Ali Boulala恢复状况
ALI is currently making good progress in his recovery, after leaving PTA ward (post traumatic amnesia) he is able to walk unassisted to his bathroom, where the nurses happily wash him in the shower. Much to Ali's distaste as he was never one for showers in the past.
He partakes in physical therapy on a daily basis. Each day he becomes stronger and stronger due to all the excellent hospital food that he can now eat and no longer requires being fed through his stomach. He's has been given an electric wheelchair to assist in longer journeys around the hospital and has undergone the advanced electric wheelchair course and is now allowed on short rides on the streets under hospital supervision.
The last contact with Ali he talked about putting some chrome accessories on the wheel chair to pimp it out. All in all, Ali is making headway in his recovery and the doctors are happy with his amazing progress. We will keep you updated in future posts.
(from TWS 2007-03-07)Although Ali Boulala survived yesterday's motorcycle accident that killed his close friend and teammate Shane Cross, he's still in very bad shape. Ali suffered massive head trauma from the crash and the hospital staff in Melbourne have placed him in a medically induced coma. Please keep him, his friends, and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We'll update you when more info becomes available.
(2007年3月6日,Ali Boulala因为车祸入院,他的好友兼队友Shane Cross去世。Ali Boulala伤势非常严重,严重脑震荡,一度处于昏迷状态)
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