The Beijinger是一本面向北京外籍人士的期刊,8月号的Beijinger刊登了这篇文章-北京滑板历史。作者是我的朋友Mary,她采访了包括包子,Raph和我等很多身在北京的滑板人,虽然不是非常细致深入,但是也是近几年少见的回顾滑板历史的文章。这是本免费的杂志,可以在很多餐厅酒吧免费拿取。文章末尾提到就北京在建的skatepark采访了Woodward市场部的人,初定收费标准是3000元人民币一个星期(因为是夏令营式的经营方式),不知道中国的有钱人是否愿意花3000块让孩子去玩一个星期滑板。
In the Beijinger August Issue, there is an article be wrote by Mary to talk about the history of Beijing skateboarding. It's worth to read and I am one of the guy be interviewed in the artical. You can find the magazine in many bars and restaurants for free.
PiDan with the fatty full page! Well done dude!