签名款滑板,签名款鞋子都不稀罕了,这签名款耳环我还是第一次听说. 日前, MapleXO Recycled Skateboard Jewelry(专门使用废旧滑板板面制作首饰的一个组织)与Corey Duffel合作,使用Corey Duffle使用过的旧滑板制作了签名款耳环.而这些耳环的销售收入将全部卷献给Skateistan(阿富汗第一个滑板学校,你没有听错,阿富汗都有人在推广滑板!这太牛逼了!)阅读全文看更多图片
MapleXO Recycled Skateboard Jewelry recently made earrings out of Corey Duffel’s old board and then signed them. They’re now auctioning them off to donate 100% of the proceeds to Skateistan. (heard of them? So awesome… www.Skateistan.org). It’s for a good cause, bid on them now. It’s not too early to get your wife, girl, mom, or sister a Christmas gift.