有没有既喜欢滑板,又爱玩游戏而且是Wii游戏的?福音来了,Thrustmaster公司刚给你们除了个新的滑板/滑雪游戏控制器。之前说过Tony Hawk 新滑板游戏Ride会使用全新设计的滑板控制器,看来滑板游戏不仅图像越做越真了,操控方式也越来越专业了。
Thrutmaster has just introduced its newest Wii accessory, the T-Freestyle NW. Designed with work with any skate or snowboard game that lands on Nintendo's money-maker, the board is crafted from genuine maple and sports a totally stereotypical "skull" design on the top. There's also a safety stopper to prevent any sort of toppling disaster, and best of all, this thing will be available at the end of the month for just $29.99. Gnarly, dude.
i wish you could use a normal skateboard. that deck looks really bad