昨天收到老朋友Nathan的邮件,他说他现在海南大东海正在自己动手作一个U池! Nathan来自于夏威夷,是滑板和冲浪的好手.之前住在上海,因为喜爱冲浪,不久前举家搬去了海南. 他在海南的墨西哥餐馆 "Cholo's Homestyle Mexican"也快要开业了,除了经营自己的餐馆,他还创立了自己的滑板品牌Cholo's. 他修的这个U池在海南大东海Surfing Hainan冲浪店的门口,将在两周内完工.如果你冬天去海南玩,记得去找他滑板,冲浪,吃墨西哥菜,看来我要订票了... ...
I just got my friend Nathan's email yesterday, he said he is building a half pipe in Hainan now. If you will go visiting hainan recently, remember to find it and say hi for me.(continue reading for more photos and more info)
Nathan's email:
"Just want to let you know that i am buidling a 16ft wide, 32ft long, 5.5ft high halfpipe in Da Dong Hai, outside of the "Surfing Hainan" surf shop. This halfpipe is being paid for and built by "Cholo's Homestyle Mexican," (a new restaurant soon to open after chinese new years in da dong hai.) Cholo's will be serving up authentic Mexican food and will be actively supporting surfing and skateboarding in China. Look out for new Cholo skate hardgoods and limited apparel coming soon. Completion date for halfpipe should be in about two weeks. There is only 1 weeks work remaining. However, there is a nice swell of waves hitting now and through the weekend. So i gotta surf...
If you want to escape the cold winter and come to sunny sanya to surf, you can now come here to surf and skate as well. So book your tickets!"
Nathan之前是iconx的team manager, 滑板和冲浪都相当牛逼
sorry guys, ramp is gone for now. if you missed it tooooooo bad.