2009-11-20 07:14 / / CHINA NEWSCOVERSTORY

New half pipe being built in Hainan(海南马上就有U池了)

昨天收到老朋友Nathan的邮件,他说他现在海南大东海正在自己动手作一个U池! Nathan来自于夏威夷,是滑板和冲浪的好手.之前住在上海,因为喜爱冲浪,不久前举家搬去了海南. 他在海南的墨西哥餐馆 "Cholo's Homestyle Mexican"也快要开业了,除了经营自己的餐馆,他还创立了自己的滑板品牌Cholo's. 他修的这个U池在海南大东海Surfing Hainan冲浪店的门口,将在两周内完工.如果你冬天去海南玩,记得去找他滑板,冲浪,吃墨西哥菜,看来我要订票了... ...
I just got my friend Nathan's email yesterday, he said he is building a half pipe in Hainan now. If you will go visiting hainan recently, remember to find it and say hi for me.(continue reading for more photos and more info)

Nathan's email:
"Just want to let you know that i am buidling a 16ft wide, 32ft long, 5.5ft high halfpipe in Da Dong Hai, outside of the "Surfing Hainan" surf shop. This halfpipe is being paid for and built by "Cholo's Homestyle Mexican," (a new restaurant soon to open after chinese new years in da dong hai.) Cholo's will be serving up authentic Mexican food and will be actively supporting surfing and skateboarding in China. Look out for new Cholo skate hardgoods and limited apparel coming soon. Completion date for halfpipe should be in about two weeks. There is only 1 weeks work remaining. However, there is a nice swell of waves hitting now and through the weekend. So i gotta surf...

If you want to escape the cold winter and come to sunny sanya to surf, you can now come here to surf and skate as well. So book your tickets!"

Nathan之前是iconx的team manager, 滑板和冲浪都相当牛逼

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  • nate

    sorry guys, ramp is gone for now. if you missed it tooooooo bad.

  • 三亚来的


  • nate

    dead coconut guy, you get some fotos? yup the surface is pretty sweet now with some grip to boot. AND i bet you love the coping setting now. good luck on the plane ticket back, otherwise you can catch a 36 hour train!!!!! pooooooooooooooooooooofffffffffffffffff!!!!
    find those wacky selected color photos, they were sikkens!

  • eimaj

    damn-the new surface is speedy!just had a small roll-got some shit-ate some shit and now gotta suss how the fuk im gonna get back to shanghai-600 here and they now want 1600 home!
    seen tom for one second last night...then he ran straight back under the bed...skittish very much
    and i didnt lose the pics-i just never looked:P
    dude-sux u arent here nate

  • nate

    jamie, have fun there, and shred that shit for me. get some photos ,and send them to guan mu. (and don't loose the photos this time) yeeeeooowwwwwziiii

  • eimaj

    ill try take some pics.have my cam with.
    titus-come skate it this weekend.call me on 15801722171.
    nate-am soooooooooooooo bummed u arent there and that the comp was cancelled!sucks arsche!im broke as and its not the cheapest to fly back.but got me undies full of the good stuff...so ill be ok
    planes boarding-yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww
    dead coconut guy out

  • eimaj

    tomoro, tomoro, ill be in sanya tomoro
    skating nates ramp tomoro
    its only aday awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
    damn i wish u were down there nate...balls to that
    yeah i have to still send upics too nate.lazy

  • rob

    Waves were around before concrete, show us some pics of you rippin it up.

  • Amber & Allison

    Thanks Nate, we look forward to the pics! We know the answer to your question lol.
    Would love to come visit you for some SKATE lessons and some Mexican.
    Have to run it pass our dad though.
    C Ya
    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • nate

    alright, sorry guys been lagging BIG time on submitting the finished ramp pics. its been done for a few months now. will put some together in the next couple days. meanwhile, all you guys should plan a trip down there to surf and skate! after all, what came first, surf or skate?

  • nate

    this is nate, owner and builder of the halfpipe. the ramp is in da dong hai, sanya. in back of the "summer mall" please contact surfinghainan.com for more information and directions. tell them nate sent you.


  • J.J.


    That looks awesome mate, will have to come visit you one of these days. Any pics of the completed ramp? Do you mind sharing the height x tranny R x length dimensions with us? Top surface, skatelite, masonite?

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • titus

    thanks a lot man!

  • titus

    thanks man..
    you can tell where is it if your friend come back soon???
    you send me an email..

  • titus

    what's up..
    where you make the ramp??
    cuz I'm skater too...
    but I a newbie...
    I'm in hainan,haikou now.....
    can I join???

    • Kicker

      Sorry, I do not know where is it now. because my friend has been back U.S. now.

  • nate

    yo andrew, sorry about the mix up. i still cannot read chinese. had a good weekend of surf, now back to baby sitting and building the ramp this week. more pics soon.
    steve, yes this will be a branch of the hawaii cholo's.

  • bobtown

    i knew nate couldnt last long with out skating
    good work nate pushing the scene over there

  • Steve

    Cholo's as in the one on the north shore of Oahu? Hawaii represent!

  • mt


  • Vic

    Nate, rad the see, hope to stop by soon for a sk8/surf sess.

  • he


  • zhang


  • Eli

    Sick Nate MAn! I am ready for some homestyle shredding!

  • nate

    yo andrew, thanks for posting this. one correction. I DO NOT WORK FOR ICONX any more.

    hope to see you soon, and will keep you informed with more pics and updates about when ramp will be done.