本雪季Swatch TTR世界单板巡回赛在亚洲的最大比赛----第8届红牛南山公开赛即将于2010年1月9-10日举办,这不仅意味着总额达25000美元的奖金以及500点TTR全球积分,同时也是6名中国选手与24名国际滑手共同参加的一场盛事。
The largest Swatch TTR World Snowboard Tour event on Asian soil this season, the 4Star 8th Red Bull Nanshan Open is taking place on the 9-10th January, 2010. This event not only offers a US$25,000 prize purse and up to 500 Swatch TTR ranking points, but a chance for 6 locally qualified riders to compete against the 24 invited top level international snowboarders.
今年的比赛选手来自于13个国家,是历届比赛中规模及人数最多的一次,资格赛中获得晋级资格的中国选手是:Andrew Wilde,,何伟,李杰,鸣鸣,李朋欢和刘佟,在国外滑手中有一些大家熟悉的面孔象:Matti Kinnunen (FIN), Atsushi Ishikawa (JAP), David Bertschinger Karg (SUI), Marc Swoboda (AUT), Stefan Karlsson (SWE) 和 Werner Stock (AUT)。 Matti Kinnunen是最热门的选手之一,他刚刚在意大利举办的TTR3星级赛事Nissan Stomp中夺冠,Werner Stock则在6星比赛Billabong Air & Style中刚得了第6名,他这次是第2次来到中国参赛并希望在今年的全球巡回赛中继续提高自己的成绩。
32岁的Atsushi Ishikawa虽然不是选手中最年青的,但作为亚洲TTR赛事的常年参与者他经验非常丰富,这将是他第3次参加南山公开赛了,之前他已经在08年得到了第3名以及09年第2名的好成绩,今年他也是问鼎冠军的有力竞争者。
09/10年SWATCH TTR赛事亚洲最大的比赛
对于被邀请参赛的选手来说,另一项被大家称道的是主办主提供的精心的招待工作与异国文化体验:这一周时间里包括了5星级的住宿,按摩,美食,各种party以及游览。Peter König (AUT)在他第二年来中国之后说:"这是我参加过的最好的比赛之一----每次接到邀请我都非常兴奋而且根本无法拒绝,可以和其它来自世界各地的滑手们在中国相聚在一起,这里的比赛经历是终身难忘的!"
With riders from 13 different nations attending the event, this season's competition will be the most diverse in the event's history. Beside Andrew Wilde, He Wei, Li Jie, Ming Ming, Li Penghuan and Jokey Tong, who qualified at the end of December, we will see familiar faces from the Swatch TTR Tour like Matti Kinnunen (FIN), Atsushi Ishikawa (JAP), David Bertschinger Karg (SUI), Marc Swoboda (AUT), Stefan Karlsson (SWE) and Werner Stock (AUT). Matti Kinnunen is one of the hottest new talents on the Tour and has already collected a win at the 3Star Nissan Stomp It in Italy this season. Werner Stock, who recently placed 6th at the 6Star Billabong Air & Style returns to China for the second season and is hoping to improve his ninth place finish of 2009.
At the age of 32, Atsushi Ishikawa is not the youngest rider in the field, but as one of the most experienced riders at Asian TTR Tour events he is one to look out for. This will be his third time at the Red Bull Nanshan Open and after a third place in 2008 and a second place in 2009, Ishikawa will be on the hunt for the top spot this year.
The Red Bull Nanshan Open has year after year proved to be a high quality 4Star event on the Swatch TTR Tour, with a perfectly shaped slopestyle course in the Quiksilver Nanshan Mellow Park at Nanshan Ski Resort. The team at Mellowparks.cn is the driving force behind the event and have constantly kept raising the bar.
The event is said to be the most exotic cultural experience for all invited riders who get to enjoy a full week's worth of 5-star hotels, foot massages, fine dining, wild parties and sightseeing. "One of my TOP events - always so stoked to get an invite and would never say no. It is just an awesome time," says Peter König (AUT) after his second year at Nanshan. "You get together with all your buddies from around the world and the snowboard industry, meet in China and have the best seven days that will be in your memories forever."
sick, I'll probably be there tomorrow too..