今天刚收到DVS市场部经理Cullen的邮件,他告诉我DVS的职业滑手Jimmy Cao和Kerry Getz将于三月5日抵达北京,目的是为了参加3月4日到6日在北京举办的ISPO2010第六届亚洲国际品牌体育用品及运动时尚博览会。还将在展会上作表演,北京的滑手们不要错过啊。之后他们还会去在建的北京Woodward以及一些北京的street spots进行拍摄。届时KickerClub.com会及时进行报道。稍后会有本次活动的海报放出,更多最新消息最近留心网站更新。
DVS is coming out to China next month to take a tour of the new Woodward Park in Beijing. They will be doing a few demos at ISPO and then skate Woodward and hopefully some street spots in Beijing. Kerry Getz and Jimmy Cao will leave for Beijing on March 3rd.
does they need spot tour guide?