2010-03-29 07:03 / / HARDGOODS

Andy Warhol x Alien Workshop(AWS出限量款有毛泽东头像)

Alien Workshop的2010春季款联合著名的波普艺术的开创人Andy Warhol的基金会推出了限量款滑板。又一个滑板与艺术结合的完美案例,学艺术的滑手肯定都知道Andy Warhol,就算你不知道他也一定见过他的作品,比如玛丽莲 梦露的头像。这个系列除了采用这个作品外,还有另外两件代表作-为地下丝绒乐队设计的专辑封面黄香蕉和毛泽东头像(这个画像现存纽约大都会艺术馆,我去年11月有幸见过真迹)。

Andy Warhol在美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡出生。
安迪·沃霍尔亦曾投放精力到电影和音乐上(《地下丝绒》 The Velvet Underground)。但其电影作品多被视为地下电影,《Chelsea Girl》、《Eat》、《Blue Movie》等,以创意的色情、缺乏情节和过份地冗长著称。
“Art is what you can get away with.” – Andy Warhol

Alien Workshop is proud to introduce the initial, limited-edition collaboration offering with The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

As the preeminent American artist of the 20th Century, Andy Warhol challenged the world to see art differently. This distinctive project presents a new approach to skateboard/artist collaborations by pairing unique examples of Warhol’s groundbreaking artwork with each of the ten iconoclast pro riders sponsored by Alien Workshop.

“We are delighted to see Andy Warhol’s non-conformist spirit embraced by the talented and creative team at Alien Workshop. These pro decks are a testament to the profound influence Warhol continues to have on our culture,” said Michael Hermann, Director of Licensing at The Andy Warhol Foundation.

Featuring five pro decks with works from Warhol’s Death & Disaster Series and five pro decks showcasing his iconic Pop works, the complete set is shipped in custom printed board box packaging inspired by Warhol’s box sculptures from the 1960’s.

Each deck features full dip paint, top and bottom graphics and a collector deckwrap. Special P.O.P. will also be included with the first delivery of the ten packs for in store support and in celebration of this collaboration. 
These skateboards are produced under a license from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., The Campbell Soup Company and the Marilyn Monroe LLC.

About Alien Workshop: Alien Workshop was founded in 1990 and has been an innovator and leader in the skateboard industry. Alien Workshop is available through DNA Distribution.

About The Andy Warhol Foundation: The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts was established in 1987. In accordance with Andy Warhol's will, its mission is the advancement of the visual arts. The Foundation's objective is to foster innovative artistic expression and the creative process by encouraging and supporting cultural organizations that in turn, directly or indirectly, support artists and their work. For more information about Andy Warhol and The Andy Warhol Foundation please visit www.warholfoundation.org or The Andy Warhol Museum at www.warhol.org.

Available Spring 2010

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