板场位置:大庆市萨尔图区格林小镇内, 不用说了,一看就是和很多新建板场出自同一个公司的铁皮板场。不过板场渐渐多起来总不是坏事。感谢哈尔滨的开开提供新闻线索。
板场位置:大庆市萨尔图区格林小镇内, 不用说了,一看就是和很多新建板场出自同一个公司的铁皮板场。不过板场渐渐多起来总不是坏事。感谢哈尔滨的开开提供新闻线索。
yeah lets start relating the skatepark in nanjing to the nanjing massacre and then this site could end up quite like chinasmack.com
all we need is a few smartarsed foreigners with anticorruption sentiments to bag out the officials and then we can have some kid named THE CHINESE KID or EASTMAN to fight back with some 'u dont know china' and 'big nosed laowai go back to your own country and quit criticizing our shitty skateparks' comments and we all will be set for years of interesting posts
Takes two to tango
haha I know you are but what am I?!
Diego 玩滑板的人都是三八
It does seem like kicker club has turned into a bitching blog for foreigners lol
Well other countries like USA and Australia had these problems when parks started to get built agian about 10 yrs ago, because there are no set standards for skatepark design or construction, these cities just hope the company they get to design and build know what they are doing and because the cheapest price normally gets the job this chance of a good result is risky.
i get what trying to say about skaters living in china being spoilt with all the awesome street spots but for god sake! couldn't some one at least make a descent local park where people can just go and chill at and have a good time without having to worry about shitty transition and entry fee.
haha c'mon guys... we've already seen the pics of the other parks... what were you expecting??
at least this one seems better than the one in BJ... and shitty floor is good! skaters in China are too spoiled... people need training in more realistic skate conditions (if you're outside of China that is..)
haha yea quality coments
eimaj's comment is amazing
wow-thats amazing-original design, original materials, absolutely superb!
well-at least you know if u go to hong kong, nanjing, beijing or any of the other parks-you will not look like a kook trying to find the lines and adjusting to the trannies.
absolutley fukn superb!
Quarterpipe trannies are too quick, so wrong.
yea looks arse
why did they make it on such shitty ground?
damn that round ledge looks fun as hell! why didn't they put that in 南宫?
Diego 玩滑板的人都是三八