2010-04-10 07:34 / / NEWSSTREETSPOTS

Cholo Ramp in Dadonghai(海南大东海的Cholo小U池)

之前说过朋友Nate在海南在建一个小U池,现在U池早建好了,就在大东海Surfing Hainan冲浪店的旁边。这个U池5.5英尺高,16英尺宽,32英尺长,弧度半径7英尺。U池通体涂了桐油用于防潮,平常不玩的时候也有苫布遮盖避免阳光和雨水的侵袭,保养的很好。这里也经常会有各种party/活动。现在Nathan回夏威夷了,希望他早点回来海南我就可以去找他冲浪,滑板啦。
Here is an update about the CHOLO RAMP in Da Dong Hai, Hainan, next to the SURFING HAINAN shop:
It has been done for a few months now and is handling quite nicely. Hard core sessions have been slim to nill, as pretty much only I was skating it. Aside from Jamie Muirhead who has been down twice (and perhaps a random tourist) the ramp is still a virgin. There are however, a few Chinese and a Mongolian (Da Hai and Tie Zhaung) who have been giving it a go. These guys also surf very well and they are China's best and only surfers who give great lessons for surfing too. Check'm out at surfinghainan.com



Skate Session


On this ramp I experimented with some plexiglass surfacing for better waterproofed and resiliant riding surface, but it failed. (very expensive experiment) Now it is sheeted with standard Chinese masonite wich has been painted and sealed with "TONG YOU" tongue oil. The ramp has a cover wich is used at all times unless being skated. This gives great sun and rain protection, (a wooden ramps enemy) This ramp stands 5.5 feet tall, 16 feet wide, 32 feet long and has a 7 foot transition radius. This radis and height combo is ideal for locking in "Smith Grinds" and what i love best BLASTING AIRS!

The venue, just outside of the SURFING HAINAN shop is ideal for anyone to enjoy surfing and skating all in the same day. The venue has also created a great atmoshere for hanging out and watching, as well as throwing parties. With the big open space, a resident DJ (DJ MOYU), a great vinyl collection from shop owner Brendan Sheridan, and great weather, it is a "no brainer." Just before i left for Hawaii a couple months ago some very good friends of mine threw an engagement party there. AND the new years party there was insane. Lots of fun to have.

Last but not least, CHOLO also offers skate hardgoods. Grab a fully complete set up, or swap out some old stuff for new. All this located within the SURFING HAINAN shop.
Cholo是Nathan的滑板品牌,可以在Surfing Hainan店内买到。

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  • Amber & Allison

    LOL @ Zeeeki!

    Amber & Allison

  • Zeeeki

    Just wonder why girls can't do skate. I mean especially I never see girls in xgames finals. Any girl pros?

  • eimaj

    hows the ramp being nate?is it ruined?hurry up and come skate with me son

  • Mateo

    NAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate!! I gotta get down there son! Happy to see you're having fun down there. F*ck Shanghai

  • eimaj

    i guess imust come then-whats upwiththe multiple posts guan mu?

  • Richard

    you should come to our house to skate a real bedroom micro mini

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • Simon

    you should come to our house to skate a real bedroom micro mini

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • Eric

    you should come to our house to skate a real bedroom micro mini

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • Jonathan

    you should come to our house to skate a real bedroom micro mini

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • Christopher

    Cool, I saw Nate prepare the wood in Oct last year, now it is finished! Unbelievable! It is awesome, hope to have a look at it in Hainan.

  • Daniel

    I skated their micro it's amazing its the old quater that use to be outside the smp shop

  • Sean

    you should come to our house to skate a real bedroom micro mini

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • Sean

    I skated their micro it's amazing its the old quater that use to be outside the smp shop

  • Dave

    To Amber and Alison,

    what are the specs of your garage mini? who built it? sounds interesting... indoor too?

  • Ian

    you should come to our house to skate a real bedroom micro mini

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • bobtown

    The huge mini which dont hit vert are called midi ramps in the UK lol

  • nate

    @ amber and allison.. cool little set up you got there. looks like you got some 7up sponsorship... quite the logoing...

  • SU

    Cool, I saw Nate prepare the wood in Oct last year, now it is finished! Unbelievable! It is awesome, hope to have a look at it in Hainan.

  • Amber & Allison

    @Nate, here's our bedroom micro, we don't have the dimensions, will have to measure it up. The two qp's are the ones that were lying around at SMP early last year, I'm sure you remember them.


    @Jamie spelled backwards, it's gonna cost you lol, beer for our dad and free lessons (read blunt to fakie) for us!

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • nate

    yea, just skate, and who cares what it is.....

  • eimaj

    sounds good-ill travel anywhere to skate a mini or micro mini
    but nate-ive skated minis in excess of 8ft-the way we always put it-unless it has vert-dont call it vert.ok-if we using micromachine language-what about the huge minis 8ft plus...do they become super mini or MEGA MINI?
    meh-what a pointless rant

  • bobtown

    I skated their micro it's amazing its the old quater that use to be outside the smp shop

  • nate

    To Amber and Alison,

    what are the specs of your garage mini? who built it? sounds interesting... indoor too?

  • nate

    this is my take on ramp classifications. 4 ft - 8 ft tall without vert is a mini ramp. anything less than 4 ft and no vert is a mini mini/micro mini. otherwise tell it like it is. how tall, how much vert, and what the trannies are.. simple!

  • Amber & Allison

    you should come to our house to skate a real bedroom micro mini

    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • eimaj

    hehe-i knew that would stir your pudding bobby-i dont think ive ever seen a real micro mini here in china-oh wait the icon x one and there is also one in a compound in xujiahui. micro minis are the worst-so much pain

  • nate

    dead coconut guy don't worry about the ramp being demolished while i am gone. we have worked out a deal with the property manager for the time being. when i return i will be possibly finding new location or renagotiating a deal with property manager there. thanks for the heads up and offer of assistance.
    i am sure the midget pimp has tons up his sleeve!

  • bobtown

    eimaj's real name is jamie sorry lol

  • Amber & Allison

    That's awesome Nate, we reckon we can skate that, thanks for the dimensions. Would love to come visit if you're ever in the area again.
    Take care!
    Amber & Allison from SMP

  • jamie

    bobtown why u qhoteing me i didnt say anything about micros and minis

  • bobtown

    Jamie there's a difference between micros and minis.
    A micro is a tiny Mini

  • eimaj

    bobby-your comment sux-a mini is a mini regardless as long as there is no vert (on that note-do u remember the mini vert ramp we did the vodka demos on? 3ft and 1ft plus of vert-now does that count as a vert ramp-mini or micro vert?haha)
    nate-i dont know if u spoke to brendan lately but we had some stupid woman come start telling us that the ramp will have to be moved due to some dipshits idea of putting a hotel in that crazy railway station looking building next door.if so-i'd wanna get back asap to assist in such moving before it gets taken apart by unskilled hands and possibly poached upon for scrapwood!

    this ramp has to be one of the best in china-perfect trannies-perfect coping(thanks nate for the pussy coping) -cold beers not too far away-some of the best di san qian right next to the ramp and dope weather
    definitiely worth a look if u are down that way-especially if u went looking for waves and huey has held out on china

    if i can be buggered ill try to get my photos of the cam from the other week

    oh yeah nate- iron man is no longer workin there:( a shame as he was mongolias only surfer/skater, but new guy toby fills the void now-he can skate a bit on the ramp but is just short of coping so far

    oh yeah-midget pimp retard is dealing drugs now?
    eimaj out

  • bobtown

    This is a real mini ramp
    Everyone keeps making micro mini ramps and calling them mini ramps.

  • Jeremy Webb

    Any of you guys down there now? I am in Dadonghai now, the weather's bad and the people don't seem like much fun. 现在有人在那边玩儿么?

  • Diego

    haha Vince, what an original post

  • Vince

    sick dude!! glad to see shit’s doin good. Hope i can make a trip to Hainan and try to give the mini a go!

  • tony


  • nate

    tacos soon boys! just putting every thing together...good things take time.

  • Tommy Zhao

    What's the deal w/ the tacos?! Me hungry, taco likey likey.

  • Andrew

    looking good boyyeee!

  • Sachie


  • Eli

    Cholo Hardgoods?! Nice on ya Nate;)

  • Diego

    sick dude!! glad to see shit's doin good. Hope i can make a trip to Hainan and try to give the mini a go!

  • jamie

    dude that ramp looks sick u did a good job there nate looks really nice wish that was in beijing dude keep shreding ....

  • nate

    thanks for posting andrew!