继Vagabond的首个系列上市取得巨大成功之后,Vagabond的第二个系列设计已经定稿,不久即将上市销售。Vagabond的第二个系列依旧由加拿大设计Allister Lee操刀,设计灵感来自流浪汉在野外生活时留下的信息,命名为“Vagabond的秘密语言” 这个系列将在9月中下旬上市!
The second drop of vagabond skateboards is entitled "THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF VAGABONDS" and is inspired by the symbols and signs used by hobos tramps and vagabonds to communicate with each other via markings. These symbols are traditionally written in chalk or cool to provide directions, information or wwrnings to other travellers roaming the treat earth.
holy shit, that's totally awesome