2010-11-28 09:46 / / SNOWBOARDING

Burton为您带来《中国单板滑雪十年》(Burton presents “A Decade Of Snowboarding In China”)

Burton presents “A Decade Of Snowboarding In China”, a coffee table book that sheds light on the beginnings, highlights and special moments in Chinese snowboarding history.Burton Snowboards, ispo China and ispo Germany, and Skullcandy play a substantial role in realizing and promoting the project. A Decade Of Snowboarding In China is a walk back history lane and visualizes the beginnings of snowboarding in China in pictures.

Burton滑雪板亚洲地区市场执行总监Ivar Fougstedt说:









Burton www.burton.com
ispo德国 www.ispo.com
ispo中国 www.ispochina.com.cn
Skullcandy www.skullcandy.com

《中国单板滑雪十年》将现身2011年2月6日-9日在慕尼黑举办的2011年德国慕尼黑冬季国际体育用品展(ispo winter 2011),以及2011年2月23日-25日在北京举办的第七届亚洲运动用品与时尚展(ispo China 2011)。欢迎您前来参观!




自2005年首次在中国落地,ispo China (亚洲运动用品与时尚展)始终定位为服务于中国户外及雪类运动产业的国际性专业运动时尚与装备展会。经过六年多的发展,ispo China依然保持了“唯品牌参展”和“高度专业性”的特点,得到了行业的高度认可。随着行业的不断发展,作为品牌、贸易商和消费者之间的桥梁,ispo China以“紧贴行业发展、满足行业需求”为自身的立足之本,在持续巩固爱好者和户外雪具专营店主的专业观众目标群体以外,经过多年的努力,已将展会的影响力扩大到了百货商场及经销商渠道。


Skullcandy的总部设在美国犹他州Park City的山脚下。Skullcandy设计并制造顶级的头戴式耳机耳塞式耳机, 扬声器底座, 音频配件和其他时尚音频设备。于此同时Skullcandy还跟许多世界顶级品牌进行crossover合作, 将自己的音响技术应用在他们产品里, 这些产品包括滑雪头盔, 滑雪服, 帽子和书包等。除了设在犹他州Park City的总部, 现在Skullcandy在加州的Orange County 也设立了庞大的市场和销售总部。



Ivar Fougstedt, Executive Marketing Director Asia- Burton Snowboards, says:

“Looking at the snowboard scene in China it has been really good to follow the growth and see the changes in recent years. Burton has taken a very grassroots approach to the market and organically supported the scene with events and sponsorships while watching it expand and grow at its own pace. It is a very cool process watching a country embrace a new sport and see how they will build it and how it will progress.”

“Working with the National Team to create the Olympic Snowboard Uniform has been a great experience and fun for everyone involved, and with the talent we have been seeing from China I am sure we will be seeing a lot of the riders climbing the steps onto the winning podiums in the near future.”

“Creating this book was something I really wanted to do. The aim was to make meaningful contribution to the community, and something that will help progress snowboarding locally, through putting China snowboarding in the spotlight again.” the maker of “A Decade Of Snowboarding In China” and Core Power Asia’s agency director adds.

“The team at Core Power Asia screened archives of tens of thousands of pictures and chose the best pictures from hundreds of submissions that poured in from across the globe. The quest to choose the photos that would end up in the book was great fun. During the whole process of putting the book together, we discovered many treasures, like the vast archive of photos from North Eastern China, or pictures from the Changbai Mountain Challenges from a few years back where everyone said it’s like in the US but 15 years ago.”

There is no claim that A Decade Of Snowboarding In China is a full retrospective of the past ten years. It proudly presents the beginnings, highlights, and other memorable moments of snowboarding in China. A big portion of the photos showcased in the book were taken by amateur photographers. This fact gives the compilation a very special, personal and intimate note.

A Decade Of Snowboarding In China is dedicated to all the riders and everyone else involved in the industry that, with endless efforts and creativity, help to progress snowboarding in China.

A Decade Of Snowboarding In China will be available as free online download this December and as free limited edition print in Chinese resorts and in selected retail outlets across the Mainland this snowboarding season.

Next, annual follow up publications called “Season Review” are up for release prior to season start. Stay tuned for awesome compilations on China snowboarding with us!

A Decade Of Snowboarding In China is made possible by

Burton Snowboards www.burton.com
ispo Germany www.ispo.com
ispo China www.ispochina.com.cn
Skullcandy www.skullcandy.com

Visit A Decade Of Snowboarding In China at ispo winter 2011 in Munich from February 6-9 and at ispo China 2011 in Beijing from February 23-25.

About Burton Snowboards

In 1977, Jake Burton Carpenter founded Burton Snowboards out of his Vermont barn. Since then, Burton has fueled the growth of snowboarding worldwide through its groundbreaking product lines, its team of top snowboarders and its grassroots efforts to get the sport accepted at resorts. In 1996, Burton began growing its family of brands to include boardsports and apparel brands. Privately held and owned by Jake, Burton’s headquarters are in Burlington, Vermont with offices in California, Austria, Japan and Australia.

About ispo China

Since its launch in China in 2005, ispo china, the international trade show for professional sports fashion and gears, has consistently brought profit to the Chinese outdoor and snow sports industry. The focus was lying on high quality brands and professionalism in the past six years. As the industry develops, ispo china connects brands, traders and consumers to reflect industry progresses and meet the demands of growing markets - besides the usual target groups like outdoor enthusiasts and store-owners, the tradeshow now impacts on both nationwide department stores and retailers.

About Skullcandy

Skullcandy designs and constructs premium headphones, earbuds, speaker docs, audio accessories, and other audio-enabled lifestyle products. Skullcandy also collaborates with top brands to integrate its speaker technology into products from snow helmets to jackets, beanies and bags. Rooted in the hills of Park City, UT, Skullcandy is also now firmly planted in the heart of Orange County, CA as well.

About Core Power Asia

Core Power Asia is a pioneering full service agency operating in the fine arts, lifestyle, sports and luxury destination sectors in Asia and overseas. We offer you communication and advertising services under one roof with a global network of agencies and professionals ready to make things happen!
Get to know us online at www.corepowerasia.com!

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