住在上海的英国朋友Bob Town上周在上海SMP组织了一个小碗池比赛,国内可是极少会有碗池的比赛。参赛的滑手很多还是年纪很小的小滑手,Bob平时也常在SMP教别人怎么滑U池和碗池,感谢Bob. 没有赶上上次碗池比赛的滑手也不要后悔,4月12日下午4:30在SMP他还会再组织一次Miniramp的比赛,喜欢滑小U池的都记得要去呀。
My friend Bob Town organized a Bowl Contest in Shanghai SMP last week, continue read for more photos about it. There is another miniramp contest will be on the 12th of April 4:pm in SMP again. Prizes will be donated by Vans and Pizzaboy.
yeah, good to see this event, tranny seen needs more events, just cannot skate street for ever.