2011-03-24 06:46 / / UPCOMING

Minibowl Contest at SMP on April 12th!

住在上海的英国朋友Bob Town上周在上海SMP组织了一个小碗池比赛,国内可是极少会有碗池的比赛。参赛的滑手很多还是年纪很小的小滑手,Bob平时也常在SMP教别人怎么滑U池和碗池,感谢Bob. 没有赶上上次碗池比赛的滑手也不要后悔,4月12日下午4:30在SMP他还会再组织一次Miniramp的比赛,喜欢滑小U池的都记得要去呀。
My friend Bob Town organized a Bowl Contest in Shanghai SMP last week, continue read for more photos about it. There is another miniramp contest will be on the 12th of April 4:pm in SMP again. Prizes will be donated by Vans and Pizzaboy.

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  • vic

    yeah, good to see this event, tranny seen needs more events, just cannot skate street for ever.

  • Eli

    Good on ya Bobby. Real good to see those little shredders getting there groove on!

  • bobtown

    I only got you on 2 posts recently. I think I can disagree with anyone on the forum and argue my point. It up to you whether you wanna pay attention to it. Its nothing personal.
    But i agree i need to be less negative on here.
    But it was easy to do a small contest like this.
    If we want the scene to improve we need to improve it ourselves.
    You should push the transition scene in the north and I'll do the mid south and eventually we can run a contest together. When the level is there.

  • jamie

    bobby i didnt realise u actually set it up yourself , then i appologise mate , and i have seen them decks there ok , i wasnt bumping my gums about that , and yea we should get some more events going im supprised woodward arnt doing tht , as for complaining im totally not complaining at all , i was under the impression it was orginized by the skatepark , anyway why u jumping on all the posts i write dude u need to chill people are allowed to write there thourghts on topics thats why its a forum

  • bobtown

    Jamie i put the comp on myself nothing to do with smp. They do a comp every year and have around 10000 rmb for prize money. I got the prizes donated by converse and those decks are sick. Dont complain and be pro active and run some comps in beijing too. Just call up some companies and ask for goodies

  • Diego

    Hell yeah Bobby! good to see some skate events that actually promote skateboarding for others and get new people involved!

    Keep it up

  • jamie

    hahha love it kids representing shreding at a early age and SMP giving prizes of a crappy converse deck and pizza tickets come on guys your a skate park its you guys that should be pushing the sport not asking for free bees for prizes

  • Amber & Allison

    Thanks Guan Mu for covering the event!
    Also, thanks to Bobtown for arranging these events and getting the local kids into skateboarding.


    Amber & Allison