2011-04-17 08:36 / / CONTEST

Miniramp Contest at SMP on Last Weekend

继上次在SMP的小碗池比赛之后,上海的Bob在SMP的第二个Miniramp的比赛上周末也顺利完成了, 11岁的美国小滑手Parker获得冠军. Nathan裁判, Johnny Tang也到现场为参赛的选手颁奖.
Around 25 skaters showed up for this contest and the atmosphere and level of skating was extremely high.
The youngest skater Warren from China aged 6 impressed the growed withn high kick turns and nice little grabs to fakie.
The 2nd youngest skate Tony Gao skated extremely well and showed everyone up with his high ollies and crazy blunt rock fakies.
But it wasn't enough to beat Parker aged 11 from the USA who landed everyone of his killer tricks with perfect style.
Nathan Metler from ATD distribution was the guest judge and even took a run in the contest and pulled out some amazing hand plants and big bonelesses.

As usual I did the anouncing and got on everyones nerves.
Vans shoes donated aload of shoes, t-shirts and sunglasses for all the kids.
Pro skater Johnny Tang showed up to the contest and donated 2 top of the range Gift skateboards and a set of cart wheels to give to the contest winners.
Thanks to all of the support from above people and companies all of the children who entered the contest went home with a prize and a smile.
The best trick contest was won by Kevin from Hangzhou, who did the biggest backside air of the day.

Thanks again to Gift skateboards and Cart wheels.
And a Huge thanks to Vans shoes.

1st Parker, USA
2nd Tony Gao, China
3rd Daron Rong, China
4th Simin Sun, China
5th Kang shuai, China

Best trick
1st Kevin 祝勇攀

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1 Comment

  • Amber & Allison

    Awesome, wish we were there. We heard it was great, way to go Bobby!

    Well done to Parker & Tony; better step it up boys, we're coming for you! lol

    P.S. good to see Nate back in the house!

    Amber & Allison from SMP