真的走上街头, 抢回了街道, 看着就过瘾. 虽然有很多人都吃了罚单. 因为声势太大, 还上了ABC电视台的新闻. 希望有一天, 我们中国的滑板日也可以有次盛况! 相信应该不远了(如果没有外力阻挠的话).进来还有更多照片...
Cops, tickets, arrests and a sea of skateboarders charging the streets of downtown Los Angeles.The charge started at Hollenbeck park and continued around the public skateparks of downtown L.A.: Lafayette, Lincoln Park, and more. Andrew Reynolds, Leo Romero, and more set it off at each park. The police tried, but couldn’t stop the fun.