金秋九月,Vans Dragon SK8滑板总决赛将在9月11日-12日 - 2011冲浪中国嘉年华上演,期间还将进行极限运动文化论坛,冲浪及板类运动文化展和2011SDA艺术滑板创作展,各位滑板爱好者将在现场切实感受极限运动文化的魅力,燃放激情。
Last but not the least!! 2011 Vans Battle at the Silver Dragon Championships will be held at Civic Plaza of Hangzhou CBD on September 11th - 12th!
2011 Vans Dragon SK8滑板巡回赛经过深圳、上海、成都、西安、北京五大城市的厮杀后,Pro专业组的决赛名单不仅包括了王旻君、王汇丰等大陆排名前十的多位滑手,以及陆俊彦、盧弘成等港台滑手,还有来自美国、英国、加拿大、俄罗斯等滑手组成的国际军团;而Am业余组决赛名单的实力更直逼职业组,既有年龄最小的选手高群翔,印尼杆王ARBI,也有最近屡获冠军的刘佳明;他们将为观众奉上国内最具专业水准的滑板对决,争夺总金额高达4万5千元的奖金。同时在今年的SilverDragon滑板对决赛上,Vans旗下国际职业滑手将进行现场表演,在比赛间隙,展示代表国际水准的滑板技巧,给中国滑手带来绝好的学习交流机会。同时Vans & SkullCandy为到场极限粉丝准备的丰富礼品与奖品,绝对让你拿到手软,大家千万不要错过Silver Dragon滑板对决赛,一起来支持你喜欢的滑手吧!
(因天气原因未举行的西安站Best Trick大绝招比赛将作为杭州附加赛在9月11日首先进行,还剩余3个Pro、3个Am共6个名额可以进入Silver Dragon滑板对决赛,机不可失!当然,已晋级总决赛的选手将不允许报名参加杭州站附加赛)
As one of the biggest event during Surfing China Festival 2011, the final will have elite Chinese pro and AM skaters to compete for cash prize. Many pros and AMs even miss the opportunity to enter the final round, hope that we can see you guys on next year’s championship. Since we set Best Run and Best Trick early this year, surprisingly so many skaters come to compete in our contest, many of them get the chance to enter final as well. Who will win the biggest prize? ADee, Cyres or Wang Mingjun? Gao Qunxiang, A wai or Liu Jiaming?
Concerning the guest, we’ll have a Demo with Vans Global Team AM skater Curren Caples. Curren will also surf the tidal bore, seems that he is the youngest surfer to challenge the wave ever after.Vans & SkullCandy preparation more gift to send out on the final. Want any? Come and have fun at this weekend’s Vans Battle at the Silver Dragon Championships!!
P.S. attention please, you still have a chance to enter final! Remember we encountered rainstorm in Xi’an? There are 6 additional open quota waiting for you in Hangzhou.
Pro专业组:大绝招(Best Trick) 冠军3000元 亚军1000元 季军500元
Am业余组:大绝招(Best Trick) 冠军1000元 亚军600元 季军 300元
Pro专业组:最佳线路(Best Run) 冠军15000元 亚军6000元 季军3000元
Pro专业组:大绝招(Best Trick) 冠军5000元 亚军2000元 季军1000元
Am业余组:最佳线路(Best Run) 冠军5000元 亚军2000元 季军1000元
Am业余组:大绝招(Best Trick) 冠军3000元 亚军1500元 季军 800元
Silver Dragon滑板对决赛日程安排(所有活动细节,根据活动当日主办方安排为准)
9月11日 周日
13:00—13:40 Pro专业组:大绝招加赛(BestTrick) – 西安站加赛
13:40—14:20 Am业余组:大绝招加赛(BestTrick) – 西安站加赛
14:25—14:30 Vans礼品派送
14:30—15:00 BestRun选手热身练习
15:00—16:00 Pro专业组:最佳线路决赛(Best Run)
16:00—17:00 Am业余组:最佳线路决赛(Best Run)
17:00—18:00 开放时间
9月12日 周一
13:30—14:30 Am业余组:大绝招决赛(BestTrick)
14:30—14:40 Vans礼品派送
14:40—15:40 Pro专业组:大绝招决赛(BestTrick)
15:45—16:00 颁奖仪式
16:00—18:00 开放时间
9月12日 晚
21:00—23:00 After Party
为赛事全程冠名的国际领先极限运动品牌——VANS也表示,将凭借2011 Vans Dragon SK8滑板巡回赛这一国内首屈一指的专业赛事平台,不断推进滑板运动的发展。
作为滑板鞋的鼻祖,Vans为滑板爱好者创造了非常齐全的一系列鞋子和服饰产品。Vans支持草根滑手,无论是国内水平还是国际水平。并且拥有自己的pro team ,签约的滑手包括:Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Dustin Dollin, Anthony Van Engelen, Bucky Lasek ,Omar Hassan, legends Tony Alva, Steve Caballero, Jeff Grosso 以及Christian Hosoi. Vans每年都会举行两场世界级的顶尖滑板赛事:the Pro-tec Pool Party 以及the Vans Downtown Showdown来不断推进滑板运动的发展。
关于Wabsono新石巨 -- China`s Action Sports Solution
Vans Dragon SK8 Hangzhou Stop BestTrick Contest&Bonus
Pro(Best Trick): First Place 3000RMB Second Place 1000 RMB Third Place 500 RMB
Am(Best Trick): First Place 1000RMB Second Place 600 RMB Third Place 300 RMB
Pro(Best Run): First Place 15000 RMB Second Place 6000 RMB Third Place 3000 RMB
Pro(Best Trick):First Place 5000 RMB Second Place 2000 RMB Third Place 1000 RMB
Am(Best Run): First Place 5000 RMB Second Place 2000 RMB Third Place 1000 RMB
Am(Best Trick):First Place 3000 RMB Second Place 1500 RMB Third Place 800 RMB
Follow us at www.weibo.com/dragonsk8 or www.dragonsk8.com to keep updated!
Silver Dragon Battle Schedule
Sunday Sep.11
11:00—13:00 Registration,Practice
13:00—13:40 Pro (BestTrick) – Hangzhou
13:40—14:20 Am (BestTrick) – Hangzhou
14:20—14:30 Demo
14:25—14:30 Vans Products Toss
14:30—15:00 BestRun Practice
15:00—16:00 Pro (Best Run)Final
16:00—17:00 Am (Best Run)Final
17:00—17:10 Interactive Activities
17:00—18:00 Open Hour
Monday Sep.12
10:00—13:30 Registration,Practice
13:30—14:30 Am (BestTrick)Final
14:30—14:40 Vans Products Toss
14:40—15:40 Pro (BestTrick)Final
15:40—15:45 Interactive Activities
15:45—16:00 Awards
16:00—18:00 Open Hour
9月12日 Evening
21:00—23:00 After Party
WHEN: 10:00~18:00 11th – 12th Sep
Take Bus No.96,B2, B-1, B-6 to Civic Center
Take Bus No.84,No.105,No.106,No.517 to NorthGate,Civic Center
The Vans Dragon SK8 Series is designed to provide a legitimate competitive platform for skateboarding in China and Asia.
About Vans
Vans, the original skate shoe maker, creates a full range of footwear and apparel for skaters. Vans supports grassroots skateboarding at both the local and national level and through our pro team that includes skaters such as Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Dustin Dollin, Anthony Van Engelen, Bucky Lasek and Omar Hassan as well as legends Tony Alva, Steve Caballero, Jeff Grosso and Christian Hosoi. Vans stages two of the world’s most progressive skate contests in the Pro-tec Pool Party and the Vans Downtown Showdown.
More on Wabsono International “China’s Action Sports Solution”
Based in Hangzhou PRC, Wabsono Internationals Action Sports unit has become a leader in the development of Action Sports participation and lifestyle in China. Wabsono currently specializes in Marketing, Promotion, Manufacturing and Distribution of the lifestyle and related products of Surfing, Skateboarding and Snowboarding. Having a strong position in the industry, Wabsono is capable of spending the necessary time and effort to build brands while building the lifestyle in China. Wabsono is committed to increasing the popularity of the Skate and Surf lifestyle in China.
地点:钱江新城 市民中心南广场
时间:10:00 – 18:00 9月11-12日
地址:杭州市江干区解放东路58号 市民中心南广场
who won yo who wooooooon?????