2012-06-22 03:40 / / SOFTGOODS

VERT Clothing 2012 Summer Look Book

VERT Clothing 是由居住在上海的外籍滑手Johnny Martinez在1996年创办的自主服装品牌, 从原料选择,设计加工全环节都由滑板人自己把控.最近他们推出了自己的第一个产品线-2012年夏季新品! 上海滑手TopToys储卫和Robert出演了新品宣传大片,有型有款,进来产看详细品牌介绍及产品特写.

VERT Clothing成立于1996年立志于服装设计并坚持着自有的风格。起初...只有几台缝纫 机和印花设备在厨房就运做了。从一开始观点及方向就一直保持着一致,从根源得到启发顺着我们的激情开发出振奋的产品。15年来VERT的设计一直专注于运用环保面料并注重产品的细节来突出独有的风格。这些年来涉及艺术交流,街头文化表演,派对,呈现过大量的活动为VERT品牌打下根基。在2001年“VERT Fest”是Vert第一个主要的活动并售出超过2500张入场券,由HIPHOP组合包括Rise Against, Good Riddance, Souls of Mischief, and Rahzel.音乐组合全天表演更有室内滑板比赛以及极限摩托表演。在2003年VERT做了取名为 “Down For Ours” 的旅行,开车穿越美国和加拿大去到各地做交流。2005 - 11年之间VERT和朋友们The Shaaw Brothers, DJ Psycho, Vstylez, Pugs Atomz and DJ Vadim 等等...专注着组织美国与亚 洲之间的街头文化交流派对。持续进步并给生活注入激情!
The first seeds were planted in 1996 with ideas of starting a movement that focused on designing clothing and keeping it aligned with our interests. It all began with a few sewing machines and a small printing set-up out of the kitchen. Since the start, the direction and vision have been the same, stick to our roots for inspiration and follow our passions to create hype projects. Over the past 15 years VERT has continued designing with a focus on unique eco-friendly materials and putting extra attention into the fine details that count the most. Today, we’re still moving forward with a matured vision that was cultivated more than 15 years ago.
Over time the foundation has been built from VERT’s involvement with a wide range of events like art battles, underground shows and parties that have all helped
shape the brand. Our first major event ‘VERT Fest’ in 2001 sold more than 2,500 tickets and featured eight bands and hip-hop groups including Rise Against, Good Riddance, Souls of Mischief, and Rahzel. The groups all performed live while throughout the day the indoor festival also had skate comps and freestyle moto demos with the Metal Mulisha. In 2003 we set out on the ‘Down For Ours’ VERT tour which traveled throughout the US and Canada in a tour bus to spread the movement. Between 2005 - 11 VERT focused on putting together underground parties and organizing US and Asia tours with our friends The Shaaw Broth- ers, DJ Psycho, Vstylez, Pugs Atomz and DJ Vadim to name a few. Always progressing and putting more life into our passions.

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  • Nabstar

    I always love the style Vert has to offer. Each line gets better and better. Much Love!

  • Rob

    Yeah, nice one!! BIG UP for VERT Clothing!

  • OVG

    Yea this line is def put together well, hyped to see it out!

  • DT

    Classy Urban Street Wear with a Natural Kick.... Doesn't get any better than VERT Clothing.
    From the shows to the team riders, VERT has always been on the move. To those who don't know, now you do... Created by love and compassion with the intent to change the world. Plant your seeds and stay true....

  • The Shaaw Brothers

    Vert Clothing is where its at.... no Wack product from guys who think they know what the culture is about this company is the real deal ran by guys that the culture everyday! #VERTLIFE