Vagabond一年一度的活动 Hobo Daze 流浪日将在本周六举行,地点是在深圳的西冲海滩,活动内容是与Vagabond 的队员渡过一天户外的生活,活动内容包括 滑板/冲浪/烧烤/露营 还有机会赢得Vagabond最新系列的板面.
VAGABOND SKATEBOARDS presents #HOBO DAZE, an annual celebration of skateboarding and the great outdoors.
VAGABOND SKATEBOARDS 继续为你带来年度的户外活动 #流浪日# 旨意大家在忙碌的生活中放下手中的工作到体验一天的户外生活,我们希望广大的滑手和朋友们加入这次活动,整个Vagabond队将与你一起滑板,冲浪和烧烤渡过即将结束的夏天. 参加者请发邮件到此邮箱 报名,我们会通知你会合地点和时间. 界时还有抽奖送出最新Vagabond系列板面. 9月15日见.
Now in it’s second year. the HOBO DAZE event seeks to promote community, charity and respect for the environment amongst skateboarders and youth culture.
For those who are interested in joining us please email to the following email address for more info:
ShenZhen Surfing Association will have a party there at the same time.