稍微老一点的滑手一定都记得著名的滑板录像杂志411VM,在那个还没有youtube的年代411几乎成了滑板录像的代名词.说起411总能带出无穷的对于那个滑板黄金年代的回忆.比如车霖也曾经以一个湖州出发台大杆的50-50登上过411.现在Skateboarder Mag和Vans一起携手把411又带回了网络年代,他们从今年7月开始每个月放一部411老片上线,从1993年的第一期开始现在已经放到第四期,以后你随时随地都可以看到这些老片了,该补课的赶紧去补课吧.
Skateboarder Magazine:
In the coming months, Skateboarder Magazine will become your home base for the entire 411VM archive. We will be adding a new issue each month along with exclusive interviews and video commentary from the people who made it all happen.
In 1993, long before the Internet made the world available with a few clicks of a mouse, skateboarding got its first taste of regular skate footage in the form of 411 Video Magazine. Co-founded by Josh Friedberg with some help from Steve Douglas and Paul Schmitt, 411VM was the first of its kind, a platform showcasing the top talents of the time and quenching the public’s desire for video footage between the infrequent full-length skate videos of the time. Starting off with the now iconic intro song and heavy opening tricks,each video held memorable skating and now serves as time capsules of the progression of many of today’s top pros that were then just staring out. Departments like Pro Files, Wheels of Fortune, Rookies, and Chaos made each issue entertaining and delved a little deeper into skating than just the tricks.
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