自从2000年第一次看到"The Reason"起就爱上了TWS的滑板电影, 无论是拍摄还是剪辑,音乐, TWS就是高品质的保证.而这幕后的功臣就是Jon Holland.明年2月TWS的第25部片子就要上映了,ESPN日前给他作了一个专访,来看看这位资深滑板制片人是怎么看这些年的滑板video发展的.

TransWorld Skateboarding magazine is about set to drop its 25th video early next year. "Perpetual Motion" will premiere at the TWS Skate Awards night, slated for February 27, 2013, at Hollywood's Avalon Theatre. Until then, hungry fans will have to feed on this trailer and the following Q&A with filmmaker Jon Holland.
TransWorld明年将要发布他们的第25部滑板电影 - "永动机", 将在2013年2月27日TWS年度颁奖之夜在好莱坞Avalon剧院首映.在新片到来之前,等不及的粉丝们就来读一下这篇ESPN对TWS摄影师Jon Honlland的采访吧. How long have you been making videos for TWS?
Holland: It will be 17 years I've been with TWS come this December. That's where I got my start, thanks to Ted Newsome and Ty Evans. I've done many side projects with other companies through the years, but TWS has been home.
到今年12月就够17年了. 我就是从这里开始的, 感谢Ted Newsome和Ty Evans.这期间我也做过其他一些项目但是TWS无疑就是我的家.

What was your first TWS vid and how have things changed since then, in terms of moviemaking technology?
你的第一部TWS电影是什么,这么久以来最大的变化是什么, 是技术方面么?
The first video I worked on was the original "Cinematographer" in 1996. I didn't film a section, but I edited a few. In that day an editing bay was pretty pricey, so most guys only filmed and didn't edit so much. I think our first legit setup with Media 100 cost around $30,000 for everything, and that was relatively cheap. Now, it's just normal for everyone to own a camera, a computer with editing software and do it all themselves because it's so affordable. You can make a whole skate video on your phone.
我上手的第一部片子是1996年最早的"Cinematographer". 我并没有拍摄但是我参与了剪辑. 在那时剪辑设备的成本很高,所以很多人只拍不剪. 我还记得我们最早的设备是Media 100,价值3万美元, 这还是相对便宜的选择. 现在, 几乎所有人都有自己的摄像机和电脑剪辑软件, 非常实惠, 你甚至可以只用你的手机就能拍一整部滑板视频.

Looking back, I miss shooting film. We used to shoot a lot of 16mm, and I remember going to telecine [where the motion picture film was transferred into video] and being so excited to see how the film turned out. Just having those moments of not knowing is something I miss. It's the same as a photographer who always shot film but is now shooting digital -- the surprise is gone.
回头看, 我很怀念胶片时代. 我们拍过很多16mm胶片, 我还记得我们等待胶片冲洗出来的时候那个兴奋劲. 那是一种对未知的和不确定的期待.这和摄影师一样, 从胶片转到数码, 所有惊喜都消失了.

Another big difference is that videos used to mean more to the whole skateboarding industry. Back in the day, you lived off magazines and your imagination -- that was your lifeline to what was happening. But when a video came out, you were blown away to see it because they only came out every so often. There was such a buzz about it. That was when you really got to study style and the way the tricks were done. I know I watched "Public Domain" and "Memory Screen" and "Video Days" [on VHS] until they wouldn't play anymore. Today I can cruise the web and watch like a thousand new parts. It's obviously over-saturated, and even though I don't always like that fact, it's a good thing for skateboarding as a whole. The web spreads the word.
另一个很大的不同就是滑板视频曾经对整个滑板产业来说非常之重要. 以前获得信息的主要途径是杂志, 每次有新video出来都是大事件, 因为video要等很久才有新的. 你从这些video里学新的风格和动作. 我那时一直看"Public Domain""Memory Screen""Video Days"这些录像带,直到他们被录像机反复放太多次再也放不出来了为止. 但是今天我随便一上网就有成千上万的新视频在那里, 严重过剩了, 虽然我个人不是很喜欢但是总体上来说对于整个滑板运动来说还是一个好事,网络有助于推广.

How about the changes you've seen in skate progression?
The street guys go bigger and get more technical, but most of the same tricks that are being done have been done in some form years ago. I was seriously just looking at an interview in TWS with Guy Mariano from 1995, a full year before I started working at TWS. In his interview he does a switch krook on a rail, a fakie backside nosegrind down a rail, a body jar in a backyard pool, a switch backside tailslide down a rail, a switch hard flip over a gap (which was captioned "switch inward kickflip"), a giant switch frontside pop shove-it, a gap over switch frontside tailslide, and a switch backside 5-0 down a Hubba. Now that was progression. We're talking 1995!
街头滑手动作越来越大, 技巧也越来越难, 但大部分动作很多年前就已经被完成过了.我是认真的, 你去看看1995年TWS给Guy Mariano作的采访,那时他就作了杆上的Switch krook, 杆上向下的backside tailslide, 反脚hard flip over a gap(那时这个动作叫反脚inward kickflip), 一个巨大的反脚frontside pop shove-it, 反脚gap over frontside tailslide, 反脚backside 5-0 down a hubba. 我们这是在说1995年,所以你说滑板水平有什么变化?

The most recent progressive breakthrough was Danny Way, by far. Helicopters, Hard-Rock Drop, Mega Ramp and The Great Wall of China. He took skateboarding somewhere it had never been before. Danny wins. I just hope the originality and genius of skateboarding always remain in tact. There's only one Gonz, one Blender, one Jason Jesse and one Guy Mariano. Skateboarding needs this new generation to continue that legacy of creativity and boundlessness. That's what makes skateboarding so cool.
就最近来说,我觉得Danny Way是一个很大的突破. 直升机, Hard-Rock巨大吉他上的Drop, Mega Ramp飞中国长城. 他把滑板带去了很多以往不可能去的地方. 我喜欢那些有独创性的天才滑手, 我们只有一个Gonz, 一个Blender, 一个Jason Jesse和一个Guy Mariano. 我们需要新一代的滑手延续上一代的创造力. 这才是滑板的魅力所在.

What's been your favorite TWS project and why?
"Sight Unseen" because it features two of my absolute all-time favorite skaters: John Cardiel and Heath Kirchart. It all came together on that project. The skating is timeless, the music is rad, and working with Greg Hunt was a treat. Plus, there's Henry, Dollin and Tosh Townend killing it. But as far as the most fun and entertaining it would have to be "Feedback." The desert journey with Ty, Muska and crew was a time in my life I'll never forget. Simply epic.
"Sight Unseen", 因为那里面有两个我最喜欢的滑手: John Cardiel和Heath Kirchart. 音乐很棒,和Greg Hunt一起工作也很合拍. 另外, Henry, Dollin, Tosh在片里也非常出色. 但是如果说最有意思最具娱乐性的还应该是"Feedback", 和Muska,Ty在一起拍摄的日子是我永远无法忘记的.

How long has this latest TWS vid been in the works?
Since April, and it's actually going really well. This crew is hungry and they've been extra productive.
从今年四月开始的, 进展非常不错. 这些家伙们如饥似渴.

High points?
Filming Silas doing some ridiculous moves in Portland, doing the Zoo bomb, and just getting to know and skate with Josh, Jimmy, Julian, Tom and Walker. I'm stoked to point a camera in their direction and witness their skating firsthand. They all rip. Also working with my new partner Chris Thiessen has been great. He has a good work ethic and a real positivity he brings to everything he does. Another high was building a DIY spot with Kyle Berard, Jordan Hoffart, Pat Duffy, Rob Welsh and Tom Remillard. It was a lot of work (mostly done by Kyle) but really fulfilling. It's just a different kind of satisfaction knowing you had a hand in creating a spot.
在波兰给Silas拍了一些很疯狂的动作, 动物园炸弹, 认识了Josh, Jimmy, Julian, Tom 和 Walker.很喜欢我的新助手Chris Thiessen... ...

As far as distribution goes, what's your take on the future? Are DVDs going the way of VHS, or do they still have value as part of a skater's home collection?
你们未来的打算如何? DVD会走向录像带的结局么?滑手家里还会有DVD么?
It's all going to be distributed on the web, no doubt about that. The cost is so much less and you can get more eyes on the finished product. So yes, DVDs are going the way of VHS. But for me personally, I still enjoy holding a finished product with my own two hands. It's just more real to me and I know it means something to the skaters that are in the video. I run into guys today that have never been in a real video that came out on DVD, just web clips or web parts. And those are the same people that say they really love the fact we still make a DVD. They feel like it means more to be a part of something as a whole than to stand alone in a web part. TWS is one of the few still slinging DVDs, and we'll keep it up, but inevitably it will come to an end.
毫无疑问, 一切都将在网上. 成本低廉而且更多的人可以看到你的作品. 所以是的, DVD会和录像带一样走向消亡. 但就我个人而言, 我还是更加喜欢手上拿到实物. 这更有真实感而且对于哪些片中的滑手来说也是更有意义. TWS是目前为数不多的还在制作DVD的公司, 而且我们还会继续下去. 但是最终还是无法阻止大趋势的.


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