第十一届红牛南山公开赛赛事第二天-粉雪,Methods & 道具!

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中国,北京--2013年1月20日,今天是第十一届红牛南山公开赛决赛日,有点可惜的是持续了一天的降雪影响了所有滑手们的正常滑行速度。Juuso Laivisto在第一轮滑行中受伤,于是,裁判组对本次世界单板巡回赛5星级赛事决赛做出整体调整,下午启动了赛事备用计划。
11th Red Bull Nanshan Open Day 2 - Powder, Methods & Rails!

但所有这一切都没有影响其他选手的兴致,依旧为我们上演了一场精彩的表演,在争得了所有人的意见后,最后赛事组委会决定使用前一天预赛成绩作为第十一届红牛南山公开赛决赛总成绩,这也是组委会第一次做出如此调整!为了增加更多竞技性和观赏性,最后还决定使用总奖金中的6000美元设立另一奖项,决赛选手在第一跳台上做抓板动作,第二跳台上做技巧动作,并自行选择道具结束滑行,选手们也为此乐此不疲!电视直播覆盖全国1.6亿人口,只要你打开电视就可以欣赏到今天上映的这场精彩绝伦的表演,和昨天眼花缭乱的翻转旋转不同的是,今天我们可以看到每位选手不同滑行风格,如此设计,将他们的特点体现的淋漓尽致!最终,本届红牛南山公开赛年龄最小的选手,来自加拿大的Darcy Sharpe赢得本项冠军,他的表演甚至让裁判为之欢呼。16岁的他有着年轻人特有的活力,第一个大跳台上的抓板动作是全场高度最高,落地最远的一个,抓板时间持续最长,动作相当漂亮,half-cab上up-pipe,接back 270上270下down rail,干净漂亮,无愧第一名头衔!挪威选手Sondre Tiller 和 Brage Richenberg分获本项的第二,三名!

根据昨天预赛结果,来自美国的选手Jeremy Thompson最终获得第十一届红牛南山公开赛男子组总冠军!比赛中受伤的芬兰选手Juuso Laivisto依旧高居排名第二,获得银牌,挪威选手Sondre Tiller位居第三!现在我们的选手们已经准备今晚的庆功宴了,将会是一个疯狂的卡拉ok夜晚,明天还要去体会一下雪后的长城风光,体会一下北京的夜生活!绝对让选手们享受到最棒的中国之旅!
Beijing, CHINA - January 20th, 2013 - Today's 11th Red Bull Nanshan Open Finals unfortunately had to be altered due to constant snowfall causing speed issues for all riders involved. After Juuso Laivisto suffered an injury in the first round, the decision was made to call the 5Star World Snowboard Tour Finals off and a plan B was created for the afternoon.

This didn't stop the rider's itch to put on a show, and after agreeing to let yesterday's qualifier results stand the first 11th Red Bull Nanshan Open Super Method-Off & Rail-Jam Bonus Round was created! The qualified riders would be judged on their best method grab off the first kicker, a knuckle trick on the second kicker's table and 'choose-your-line' on the jib section - battling for a mini-prize pool of $6,000. The Chinese crowd & up to 1.6 billion TV viewers were treated to an awesome display of methods, each rider showing their individual style - a nice contrast to the dizzying spins of yesterday's qualifiers! At the end of the day it was the competition's youngest rider Darcy Sharpe (CAN) who threw down the most judge-pleasing run for first place. The 16-year old must still have that youth flexibility, with by far the highest and most tweaked-out method of the day off the big kicker, finishing it off with a half-cab to backside 360 on the up-pipe and a back 270 on, 270 out on the down rail. Norwegians Sondre Tiller and Brage Richenberg finished 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Based off of yesterday's results, Jeremy Thompson finishes the 11th Red Bull Nanshan Open Men's division in first, with the injured Juuso Laivisto clinching second and Sondre Tiller in third (full results below). The riders now get to celebrate in style with a big night of karaoke before getting whisked off to enjoy a snow-covered Great Wall and enjoying some proper Beijing nightlife!



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