该公司周一宣布,收到了来自包括VF与私募股权公司Altamont Capital Partners在内的一个财团提出的价值每股1.10澳元(约合1.16美元)的收购要约。根据FactSet的数据,Billabong目前拥有大约4.79亿股股票。
去年12月,Billabong还收到了来自包括其董事会成员保留-诺德(Paul Naude)、美银美林和私募股权公司Sycamore Partners Management在内的另一个财团的收购要约。
Billabong将用大约6周时间对这两项收购要约进行评估,并将给予这两个财团进行审慎调查(due diligence)的权利,以更好地了解其价值。
Billabong旗下有Tigerlily、Von Zipper等品牌,1990年时公司达到鼎盛时期。2007年股价曾一路攀升至每股17美元,但一系列的收购和决策上的失误导致债务积压,从此开始亏损。去年,该公司被迫裁员数百人,并出售了 Nixon的近半股权。
Billabong has received a proposal from VF Corporation VFC -1.27%; the parent company of Vans, The North Face, and Reef; and Altamont Capital Partners to purchase all outstanding shares of the company for $1.10 per share, or $556 million USD, the same price that Paul Naude and the “Sycamore Consortium” have offered, and are currently conducting due diligence on.
Billabong says that it has also granted what it is calling the “Altamont/VF Consortium” the opportunity to conduct non-exclusive due diligence.
According to the statement, “Billabong will now run a process to evaluate whether a change of control proposal, at a price and on terms that the Board would recommend, can be secured. This process is expected to take approximately 6 weeks.”
新浪财经/TWS Busniess
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