来自芝加哥的本土品牌Compadre今日发布其2013年视频片断,视频风格轻松,配乐也可以用搞笑两个字来形容,参与拍摄的有Compadre当家滑手Colin Commito, Steven Sidney等人
Compadre Skateboards Promo 2013
Featuring Colin Commito,Steven Sidney webb friends compadre
"The first time I met Steven, he was chugging white chocolate flavored tequila and eating a cold cheese filled hot dog at my friend's house in the Inland Empire of California. At that moment I thought to myself, "This kid should be pro." But we put Steven on the Team for other reasons. If you ever have the pleasure of meeting Steven in person, you will find that he is humble yet calculating, calm yet tenacious and extremely talented on his skateboard. We are proud of the skateboarder that Steven has become, the unique way in which he approaches the streets and his desire to push the limits of technical skateboarding. We look forward to a long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationship with Steven Webb." - Compadre Skateboards
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