Nyjah的第一双DC签名款板鞋终于揭开了神秘的面纱!DC给这双鞋子拍摄的广告短片相当大气,有点科幻的感觉以凸显鞋子的科技含量. Nyjah本人也现身讲解这双外形与技术并重的重要板鞋.
The release of Nyjah Huston's first DC signature shoe is nothing less than monumental. With a never before done trick at Hollywood High, Nyjah leaves another mark on the skateboarding history books and brings to life DC's most impact absorbent skate shoe.
Nyjah Huston breaks down the tech features in his first DC signature shoe, including the introduction of DC's Impact G technology - a specially developed gel cushioning system designed to absorb impact and protect against heel bruising.
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