将滑板场艺术化做成城市形象标志,可以放置在城市里的任意地方都不会有保安来过问,这似乎是每个滑手都期盼的事情,迪拜 Tashkeel Art Studio 将此想法变为现实,他们将龙飞凤舞的阿拉伯文字轮廓运用在滑板场的设计上,建造出了一座极富中东风情的滑板场地,整个板场里你不需要蹬一脚就可以一直在里面滑,各种抛台斜面绝对令人印象深刻!它是实用与美观的结合体,能够激发孩子的兴趣,改变的滑板场的设计理念,滑板本身就是件艺术品!
In an effort to create a movement of "skateparks as public art," Dubai's Tashkeel Art Studio embarked on designing and building a skateable art sculpture that serves not only to provide a great place to skate but also to create a beautiful aesthetic dimension to the landscape.
What was produced has become the world renown Tashkeel Ramp that spells "art" in Arabic. A symbol that it is indeed possible to combine utility and beauty in a single structure to inspire kids, change the skatepark construction dynamic, and perpetuate a movement where skateparks are viewed as functional art reflecting the performance art of skateboarding itself.
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