作为在欧洲长大的北非人,Youness Amrani 对家乡有着深深的思念之情,于是今年他和哥哥一起开始了一趟带着滑板的归家之旅,给依旧住在那里的祖母一个惊喜,当然少不了的就是滑板了,他们还用了10天的时间周游到非洲大陆的最北边,边看边滑,用镜头记录下了新的地形和视频片段,跟着视频去Youness 的家乡看看吧!
‘Marrakesh Express’ Youness Amrani Video Part
There’s no place like home. And as the world continues to grow more globalized and culturally cross-pollinated, many of us are increasingly blessed with primary, secondary, and tertiary homes as a result of our globetrotting upbringings and divided heritages. Youness Amrani was born to Moroccan parents shortly after they immigrated to Hasselt, Belgium. While he grew up on the European continent, with frequent visits back to Morocco as a child, his primal roots remained firmly planted in Northern Africa. Having not returned to Morocco in more than a decade, he set out with his brother earlier this year to make the pilgrimage home to Kenitra and pay a surprise visit to his grandmother, who still lives there. In the process, he also planned to ride his skateboard, collect photos for the following article over a 10-day stretch on the northern tip of the African continent, and cover the road between Casablanca and Marrakesh by way of Rabat, Kenitra, and Agadir. Welcome aboard the Marrakesh Express.
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