HUF 自打2002年由 Keith Hufnagel 成立以来,已经风风雨雨走过了10个年头,无论是 HUF 刚创立时滑板因其过于朋克,反社会的文化而不被大众接受,还是如今欣欣向荣地发现,HUF 始终秉承了"出自滑手,一切为了滑手"的宗旨,近日 HUF 在 Los Angeles 的总部里举办Party, 来庆祝自己10岁的生日,Austyn Gillette, Peter Ramondetta 等 HUF Team 成员均有参与,现场还滑起了冰块!图片奉上!
The year 2013 marked the tenth anniversary of the different realities street / skate, New Yorkers and losangeline above all, that during the course of this decade with their productions have helped to create a new imagination, a new subculture solid and comprehensive. Among the various Keith Hufnagel and his HUF / Dirty Bag Crew, who moved from New York to San Francisco bringing a breath of fresh air to the California scene to the sound of collaborations, and self-produced brand. A few years ago is now a well known brand and distributed a little 'everywhere, even with a good skate team that starts to make the world tours. Recently the guys at HUF celebrated its tenth anniversary with family and friends with a private event of their headquarters in Los Angeles and here's a few photos taken by Van Style
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