距离太阳落山还有30分钟,天色逐渐转暗,此时要用相对较快的快门来拍摄滑板动作照片着实是件较为棘手的事情,来自瑞士的摄影师 Octave Zangs 成功解决了这个问题,并且在瑞士这座废弃的工地旁里拍下了一组唯美的滑板照片,生锈的铁管,蓝色的天空和被霞光染黄的云彩相得益彰,喜欢摄影的朋友们别错过了
The misaligned ramps create infinite possibilities for shooting, but a shot where you can see everything, including the surrounding mountains, was my first priority. Another cool thing is the orange color you get from this rusty steel, always a good combination with the blue tint of the sky and the mountains in the background. That’s skateboarding in Switzerland!
"几天之前我接到了 Patrick Wider 给我打电话说他在 Aigle 地区找到了个非常好的地方,那里有生锈的铁管,可以当 Ramp 来用。两天前我就带上装备,坐火车去找他,然后我们一起去了那个地方。不过那地方很不好滑,铁管里面有铁锈,凹凸不平而且一滑就晃,感觉就像你在碗池里滑板时发生了地震一样,还有一点,滑上去什么也没有,就是离地10英尺高的边缘。我把闪光灯放在 Patrick 左后方,然后取景将整个画面包含进去,试拍了几次, 这绝对算个不寻常的 Ramp 了"----Octave Zangs
A few days a ago, I got a call from my friend Patrick Wider. He told me that he had seen a rad spot in the Aigle area (Switzerland). The spot is on a construction site and consists in about ten rusty steel half circles looking like ramps, yet thinner and about 10ft high. He was sure we could do a cool shot here.
Two days later, I grabbed my camera, flashes, radios and got on the train to meet him. When we arrived on the spot, we had only 30 min left before the sun disappeared. I wanted as much ambient light as possible but needed a relatively fast shutter speed in order to have Patrick pretty sharp, so we had to do it really quickly. It was very hard to ride because of the rust, bumps and a ramp that starts swinging as soon as you start riding it. Basically it was like riding a bowl during an earthquake. Ah, and I forget, but after you pass the coping you have… nothing but a 10ft gap!
Definitely not the usual ramp.
I just placed a flash behind Patrick on the left, set back to get the whole place in the frame, and after 2 or 3 tests, I got this:
- Patrick Wider, rock’n'roll reverse.
More about Octave on octavez.com
From DSLMag
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