HUF X Thrasher 隆重推出 Stoops Euro Tour 的第二集视频,记录了去年夏天 HUF Team 在伦敦,曼彻斯特,哥本哈根等欧洲各大城市周游时录制的视频,整个队伍玩转街头和板场,大台阶,大扶手,大斜坡这些道具在HUF队员看来完全是小菜一碟,各种道具上表现得轻松无比,Brad Cromer, Austin Gillette, Peter Ramondetta, Dylan Rieder 让现场围观得群众不时响起欢呼之声,来看 Stoops Euro Tour 最后一集
HUF and THRASHER present the second and final part of the super video documenting the 'Stoops Euro Tour 2013' who last summer led for the first time the team HUF around some European capitals. Always alternating digital, VHS and 16mm, in this second part we find the different Brad Cromer, Austin Gillette, Peter Ramondetta Dylan Rieder and struggling with a fine selection of spots in London, Manchester and Copenhagen, plus a decidedly non-European stage, Montreal (Canada), reached shortly before returning home to San Francisco. Enjoy the grand final
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