在第六集的 Sheckler Sessions 里,Ryan Sheckler, Zered Bassett 和 Bobby Worrest 来到 Bobby 的老家 Washington 走上街头去体验各种路边道具,之后他们去了当地很有名的 Pitcrew 板店,在当地广场滑到晚上,而最好玩的就是第二天的远足了!大家来到河边抓着绳子荡进水里,Sheckler 更是来了个后空翻180跳水,真的是非常欢乐的行程
Ryan Sheckler, Zered Bassett, and Bobby Worrest head to Bobby’s hometown of Washington DC to skate the streets and hit Bobby’s favorite spot on earth, Pulaski Park. After making a pit stop at Pitcrew Skateshop, they go on a hike and manage to find a treacherous rope swing and a river.
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