With the snow falling - albeit mainly from the man-made snow cannons -we're super excited to kick off our winter season with the official park opening of the Nanshan Mellow Park, Sunday December 8th! We'll be getting down in the park all day, with killer Skullcandy beats pumping throughout the park and China's top snowboard photographers on-site to capture all the action. Also, word on the street is a few international pros might be stopping by to check it out following Saturday's Air & Style event...! Check the park map below and come on down to join the fun!
Click the map above for full feature list and how to get there!
SESSION CHINA x Mellowparks.cn = Must Be SPECIAL ISSUE

Session is China's digital snowboard magazine, and we're proud to partner with MellowParks.cn to bring you a special issue completely dedicated to Must Be. For the first time, China's #1 snowboard video is available as a free download directly to your iPhone, iPad, and Android devices! Simply follow the link, download the Session app, and select the Must Be issue for download. Inside you'll find exclusive behind the scenes photos and the full-length, HD version of Must Be. Make sure you check out our other issues, and visitSessionChina.com for updates all winter long!
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Session 是中国的数字单板滑雪杂志。我们很荣幸能够和 MellowPa
从iTunes里下载 iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch 应用程序
再次感谢我们所有的赞助商,使我们的全国共十二站的MUST BE巡映之旅取得空前的成功,
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