极限运动摄影师 Mathias Fennetaux将自己从90年代开始拍摄的70副人像照片编辑成册,制作成一本名为"No Skateboarding"的影像集,每张照片都有一个独一无二的故事,其中不乏Steve Caballero,Hosoi等传奇滑手的身影,看不到影集的我们就先来看下Mathias在巴黎举办的展览,感受下这些跨度长达10多年的照片所留下的加州气息
Over ten years collected, unpublished, 70 portraits and 70 stories. With his work, photographer Mathias Fennetaux the California skateboarding scene of the 90s unpaid toll.His mammoth project called "No Skateboarding" will be published as a book and accompanied by a series of exhibitions. With a foreword by none other than Skateboard Photography veteran J. Grant Brittain, the picture book, a period of the recent Skateboard story captures the true legends gave birth - and so offers a fresh new perspective on some of this story.Here are some pictures from the show in Paris, was presented with the "No Skateboarding" to the world.
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