2013-12-07 11:11 / / SOFTGOODS


你见过Air Jordan出的滑板系列产品吗?直到几星期前加州一家商店内出售了这件AJ的衣服,这事才让我们得以证实,事实上这并不是AJ第一次出滑板产品了,AJ在早些年就开始打算开拓滑板市场,不过现实证明了这个决策是失败的,我们顺便给大家整理了AJ所发布的滑板鞋产品,借着这些产品来Have Fun一下
Speculation about the Jordan brand entering the skate shoe world has echoed for years between select shop owners & for those in the know, but this is the first kind of visual confirmation we’ve ever seen.Rather than speculate even further, we’ve decided to have fun with this newly found rumor instead. After all, some of the most infamous skateboarding has taken place in numerous pairs of J’s. Even one of our favorite skate parts features a pair of these illustrious non-skate shoes. Below is our list of Top-5 pairs of J’s that could easily be converted for skateboarding.

AJ在2008年发布的Phat Low就是第一双滑板鞋,传谣称Stevie Williams将要用这双鞋将AJ的滑板产业带向辉煌,至于这谣言背后的合同从来未被公开过。在Nike SB的不断发展之时,AJ也一直在暗地里不断努力,试图打开滑板界的大门,不过却终以失败首场。值得一提的是很多主流滑板鞋的灵感却来源于AJ经典的鞋款,不论你是否赞同,我的说,如果AJ设计师真正参与到滑板鞋设计之中,将会使滑板鞋界发生大变革,当然首先就是价格上,不过这肯定无法阻挡消费者趋之若鹜的购买之心
When Jordan debuted the Phat Low in 2008, which was supposed to serve as their first skateable model, it was rumored that Stevie Williams was going to be the frontrunner in promoting the Jordan Skate program. As to what happened to that deal is undisclosed but as with Nike in their early SB years, Jordan has continuously tried to enter the skateboarding footwear market behind closed curtains (and has failed). It’s undeniable that a majority of skate shoes have undoubtedly been inspired by Jordan & his timeless silhouettes. More so, whether you’d like to admit it or not, we can all agree that Jordan designers would probably make some of the most progressive designs in skateboarding footwear. As you might imagine, this would lead to intensely high price points but we can’t say if it’d be any different than what kids & consumers are paying for now anyways.


Jordan Phat Low


这鞋子看上去就像滑板鞋了,看上去跟Dunk Low似乎没有任何区别,这不禁让我们好奇:鞋内的科技会有不同吗?事实再次证明Dunk Low 和这 Jordan Phat Low没有技术上的差异,买的人只是为了这AJ的标志,而不是为了买一双高性能滑板鞋,有哪位滑手土豪愿意买双给我们评测下,哈哈

Seeing as how it was naturally suppose to be the first shoe of their skate line, it makes sense to feature it at the top of our list. We can’t say whether the Dunk Low & the Jordan Phat Low are much different aesthetically but we’re wondering if they have any differences on the technical side. Seemingly, the construction of both shoes look identical & leads us to believe that you’re probably buying the Jordan labeling rather than an advancement in skate shoes. They’re currently cheaper on eBay, anyone want to skate buy a pair for us to review?


 Jordan 3′s


Jordan 3采用了内嵌式鞋带,3重保护可以完美地护住你地脚趾,它地耐磨性也可以和D3相媲美,当然脚后跟地气垫依旧是这双鞋地亮点,但是这玩意对滑板脚感的影响还有待商榷

With recessed laces & a triple threat of protection along the toe, Jordan 3′s would probably resemble the D3 in durability. The airbag construction always wins extra points with us & just looks good. As to whether the board feel is any good remains to be unseen (we doubt it’s even there though).


 Jordan Flipsyde


这双Jordan Flipsyde滑板鞋于2008年7月期间上市,不过它却是十分短命的,没多久便销声匿迹,很明显AJ的设计师们始终没能理解滑板鞋设计的日新月异,没能跟上滑板鞋设计的脚步,这批鞋子上市之后直接就被送进了外贸市场…..不过鞋子的外底还是很抢眼的!有个疑问,AJ的标志放鞋子外侧是故意要被磨掉的吗

Another supposed addition to the skateboarding side of the Jordan brand was the short-lived Jordan Flipsyde. Through the construction of this shoe, it became apparent that the designers at Jordan were a few years behind in noticing the constant change of trends within skateboarding footwear. The Flipsyde was released in 2008-2009 & was sent directly to outlet malls where mistakes go to die. Although it was years behind in design, the outsole was something admirable because it actually showed some promise.


Jordan 5′s


要不是Wade Desarmo在Top Dollar里用这双鞋子滑板,没几个人会用Jordan 5来滑板的,在那之后很多都改变了,事实上这段视频也是Jordan想要出滑板鞋的灵感直接来源,这鞋也决定了后来AJ各种鞋子的设计风格….咳咳….

Had it not been for Wade Desarmo skating a pair in the Top Dollar video, many of us wouldn’t probably consider skating a pair of 5′s. Since that moment, much has changed. In fact, it was probably that same clip that sparked the interest of making Jordan-skateable models. There’s also a clear resemblance between this shoe & countless other models within the skateboarding world. Ahem


Air Jordan 1



It’s an obvious fact that this shoe is in the number one slot. Many of the living legends of today first started skating in a pair of Chucks or Air Jordan 1′s. There are countless examples, this one being probably the most prolific for skateboarding. Super simple & straight to the point, this shoe is not only responsible for spring boarding the most famous basketball player of all time, but also the most creative skateboarders of all time too. It’s probably because of this fact that the exec’s over at Jordan thought that they could co-exist with other skateboarding brands today. Unfortunately, we, as skateboarder’s, tend to easily forget that the Jordan 1 has it’s place within skateboarding footwear history.



It’s unclear as to whether Jordan will ever make another run at entering the skateboarding market again. As said before, it’s taken many brands years of tactical errors before getting it right. More than ever, skateboarder’s have been accepting of outside brands entering our small but growing world. If Toyota now has a place in skateboarding, why not Jordan?

From Ripped Laces

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