"If tech was trending this year, the continuation of its role in 2014 is inevitable, but what else will happen? Who else will debut their latest pro model? Is there room for another footwear brand? Will more reissues happen and more importantly, how much more will we be willing to spend as consumers on ‘tech’ before enough is enough? 2014 should be fun. Have a happy and safe New Year’s everyone. Thanks."For English scroll down...
Converse KA II
Kenny的选择是不会错的,Converse给他推出了第二款签名款鞋KA II,KA II可以说是2013年内低调的杀手级鞋子,赢得了众多粉丝的青睐。每年Converse都会发布新的签名款鞋子,我们期待2014年的新款,也期待KA II的颜色更多一点,最重要的,不要再用自行车了,请站在滑板上
Vans Chima
Vans Chima Pro一马当先挺进了荣耀榜,我们能从这双鞋里看到的就是Vans所展示的科技并不是传统的帆布,耐磨帆布的想法听起来真的很棒,这鞋不仅受滑手欢迎,同时还让那些寻求返朴归真的人们找到了新产品。Chima Pro的诞生之路并非一般,它的诞生也让市场加快了科技创新的步伐
DVS Vapor
今年的亮点实在多,DVS就给了我们这么一双包含最新科技的新鞋 Vapor。Vapor表面看上去朴实无华并没有太多抢眼之处,不过在20小时滑板测试之后,它的表现绝对抢眼。耐磨的外底和修长的鞋头绝对是这双鞋子的成功所在,不过Vapor内的技术让它们变得更好。真的,我们很看好2014年即将发布的Chico签名款
HUF Sutter
HUF You Motherfuckers. HUF不仅将帅(Dylan)哥(Rieder)滑手们都拉了进来,还逐渐向潮流方向转战。Sutter是HUF发布的第七双团队款签名鞋。如果HUF想弥补Gravis退市后留下的空缺,那么Sutter的确是一双不错的鞋子。这外形绝对符合Dylan和Austin的胃口。据说Dylan的签名款将会在2014年秋天发布,说不准到时候2014年排行榜的首位就是Dylan鞋子了
Lakai Vincent
如果说科技是2013的主流,那么Lakai则是特立独行的代表,他们不出Cupsole鞋底鞋子,不设计跑鞋样的板鞋,也不用什么大底,这点的确让人感动,看看这双Vincent Pro吧,设计多么简洁,你不需要将自己打扮的那么与众不同,这鞋子和那些科技含量过剩的鞋子一样好。Vincent的出现让你摆脱了90年代的鞋子风格
DC Nyjah
Adidas Silas SLR
这鞋子看上去有点儿叫人担心,因为鞋跟部分竟然是高跟的,不过Silas Baxter-Neal的视频却将这些疑惑统统清楚。无需置疑,如果鞋子不好的话,adidas是不会发布的,给SLR一个机会,说不定你就会爱上它
NB# Logan 637
NB Logan是刚刚上市不久的签名款,还有待大家去验证,不过只要你看到它的材料选用,看到它的设计和鞋子结构,你就不会质疑它为什么会排上榜了,不论它走的是科技路线还是返朴归真之路,它都可以在各种道具之上发挥出色,如果你没穿过,那么先将自己的顾虑放到一边,穿上它你就知道了
Emerica Westgate
Nike SB Lunar Gato
如果Nike要上榜的话,大家也许都在想是不是Project BA或者最近的One Shot吧,不过我们选择了这双足球鞋一样的Lunar Gato。这鞋子完美融合了足球鞋的科技和滑板需要的保护性,不太薄不太厚,鞋头贴合的TPU材料让鞋子看上去科技感十足,并且增加了足够的耐磨度,如果你穿过,就知道这鞋子多么舒服了
Converse KA II
Kenny can do no wrong. That’s one of the fundamental rules of skateboarding and it continues to hold true with his latest pro model. The KA II was a silent killer during 2013 and gained a fan base of its own throughout the year. Every year Converseintroduces a new pro model into the mix, obviously we’re anticipating their moves in 2014 but more so, we’re looking forward to more KA II colorways and more footage. Not on a bike though, preferably on the board, please.
Vans Chima
The Vans Chima lands on this list for its bravery. If we learned anything in 2013, it was that brands weren’t holding back when flaunting their technical ability. The theory of having an indestructible canvas shoe sounds amazing. It pleases both an eager skate community that’s in need of something new and the loyal vegan crowd that often gets forgotten. The Chima provides something different and in the process, delivers some innovation that’ll keep the market striving for better technology.
DVS Vapor
As one of the many surprises of the year, DVS caught us off guard with their latest technological offering. The Vapor was sutble in its appearance but deliver some satisfying results after 20 hours of skating. The grippy outsole and narrow toe were essential aspects of the shoe’s success but their Vapor technology made it that much better. We’re already looking forward to the new Chico pro model for 2014.
HUF Sutter
HUF, you motherfuckers. Not only are you slowly taking over the handsome market, you’re doing it in the most beautiful fashion. They land at number 7 on this list for their newly introduced Sutter team model. If HUF entirely wasn’t trying to fill the void that Gravis left behind, the Sutter certainly is one pro model that will. Its recessed paneling and simple look give it that allure that only Dylan and Austyn can pull off. Rumors are already circulating about Dylan’s pro model, due to come out in Fall ’14. Will it top this list by this time next year? Only one way to find out.
Lakai Vincent
If crazy technology was trending during 2013, Lakai let it be known that they were riding to the beat of their own drum. They didn’t put out any crazy cupsoles, they weren’t chasing trends or rereleasing runner toes. We can appreciate that. Especially with the simplicity of the Vincent Pro. From skating it, a number of things became evident: You don’t have to go overboard to please the masses or be different. The market is still fond of something simple that’ll work just as good as any overly-technical shoe. The Vincent’s skated great and didn’t force you to dress like you were back in ’94 in the process.
DC Nyjah
With some of the most death defying (literally) feats under his belt, you shouldn’t be surprised that Nyjah’s shoe is on this list. With tech footwear trending and a need of simplicity in the market, the Nyjah S fills the need for both. Its impact support heel system manages to keep Nyjah safe from all the gnarly shit he’s doing and that’s more than enough reason to have them on this list.
Adidas Silas SLR
Adidas latest offering has some worried because of its raised heel but SBN puts us all at ease with the recent footage he’s been putting out. His latest creation continues to raise the bar in the hybrid skate shoe game and has many wondering about its skate-ability. No need to question it though because Adidas wouldn’t have put it out unless it fit their high standards. Give the SLR a chance and you’ll likely fall in love with it.
NB# Logan 637
As one of the newer models on the market, the NB# Logan, along with their entire establishment, has a ton to prove. It’s because of this that they’re so high on the list. Despite the challenge, NB# managed to come out with a pleasing debut line, with every kind of skating kept into consideration. Whether it’s a tech model or a simplistic model, they have you covered for ledges, tranny and so forth. The Logan 637 is probably surprising you at number 3 but it makes perfect sense in our minds after talking about it for hours. The materials, design and overall construction of the shoe make it one of the better skate shoes on the market. If you haven’t tried it yet, put all your preconceived notions to the side and give them a try. If you need some real convincing, watch Jordan Trahan skate them. You’ll buy them within the hour of watching him.
Emerica Westgate
The highly anticipated Westgate has everyone excited about the return of the runner toe. This is probably the most technical skate shoe of 2013, hands down. It has all of the bells and whistles that many of us have been asking for for years and does not disappoint. From the intricate outsole to the density of the toe, the Westgate was put together to remind us of where skate shoes came from and what they look like. Some can work with the runner toe in tightpants but we’d recommend camo cargos or regular baggy jeans. Ahhh, nostalgia never felt so good.
Nike SB Lunar Gato
If Nike was on this list, you were probably expecting to see the Project BA’s or maybe the newly released One Shot, but no, no, no. The Lunar Gato has won our hearts over for the number 1 spot. The Lunar Gato blends the style of an indoor soccer model with the technology and protection needed for skateboarding perfectly. It’s not too thin or too thick in terms of boardfeel, it has just the right balance. A tpu coating over the toe gives it a tech look without going overboard and extends the life of this skate model exponentially. If you’ve tried it, you’d know how good the flick feels after a couple of solid hours of skating.
From Rippedlaces.com
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