来自芬兰的滑板品牌 Makia 周游各地,北到阿拉斯加南至澳大利亚,就为了拍摄自己的冬季产品册,果然这部Lookbook的预告片含金量十足,服饰,风景甚至配乐,每一处细节里都体会到家的感觉,同时Makia还会在1月15日在伦敦举办展会来发布他们的产品,相信这次旅途给产品带来的积淀足以让Makia冬季服饰热销全球
For years we have traveled the world in search of new friends and adventures. While having shot our catalogues everywhere from Alaska to Australia, the Makia images have featured people from legendary musicians to boarding godfathers, industry heavyweights and local spin doctors. Something that we’ve become known for and that we are extremely proud of. This time around, we wanted to flip things around and have our friends from abroad experience our little corner of the earth that we call home.
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