不久前Skullcandy刚刚为Eric Koston推出了签名款蛇纹Crusher,现在又为刚刚过去的2013蛇年推出Aviator,The Fix蛇纹签名款耳机,The Fix在耳塞和耳机线设计上独具一格,而Aviator“头箍”部分采用的设计绝对抢眼拉风,上街回头率百分百呀!耳机更多细节请看图片展示
If you are of those who do not conform and anything, I like to know that the legendary skater Eric Koston has signed a new line of Skullcandy and the result is the most amazing. The team from the American brand headphone traveled to Texas by the rider to find their poisonous inspiration: Snake. The pro rider spent time with the famous adventurer, Jackie Bibby, Rattlesnake Republic, a reality show that follows the adventures of this guy looking face rattlesnakes. And in the Chinese horoscope, the year of the snake was in 2013, that is history. The new line features three high-end models (Aviator, Crusher and The Fix) inspired by these reptiles and attract glances wherever you go.
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