昆明滑板最有福!本月25日,世界著名滑板大牌 Enjoi 滑板队将空降昆明Ardent滑板公园!众职业滑手会在场表演,签名。这将是第一支真正意义上来到昆明表演的职业滑板队,免费入场!当日滑板表演后Ardent将举行通宵Party,通宵滑板有体验过吗?入场券只需100元!活动多多奖品多多!
On 25th Jan. The enjoi team will boom the Ardent skatepark! Pros like Jimmy Carlin, Cairo Foster and more will come to a demo! Ticket free due to this great chance. After the demo, the Ardent park will held a midnight party which will start from 22:00pm to 9:00am next morning, the ticket for the party is 100RMB which include the games, the contests, the pizza,the Redbulls and of course the breakfast!
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