为了将Matix的文化更好地融入办公环境之中,Matix在室内打造了一个全新的Mini Ramp,不过谁来为这个刚刚建成的Mini Ramp剪彩呢?不出所料,非Daewon Song莫属,看着Mini Ramp的建筑过程和Daewon Song轻松自在的剪裁视频,真的很有冲动自己打造点道具来滑板呀!
Finishing touches, the attention to details and bringing the whole story of the brands and the work environment together. That is where the mini ramp comes into play, with the roots of Matix firmly planted in the world of skateboarding it is only natural to build a ramp at the West Life Headquarters. Daewon Song takes the first runs on the freshly finished ramp built by Brent Kronmueller and the Ramp Carnies. Get out, build something and skate it!
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