昨天的悬浮滑板果然是Tony Hawk等人跟我们开的一个玩笑,Tony本人没有想到这个视频传播如此之广,并且解释这跟他即将推出的手机游戏并没有什么关系,仅仅是个玩笑,就当娱乐下身心,看看这神奇的漂浮板背后制作过程吧!
I was recently invited to participate in a prank video "revealing" the reality of hoverboards. It seemed harmless and fun, but the video spread and it was wildly misleading. This was not a promotion for a new movie or videogame, nor did I get paid (unrelated: I am releasing a game for mobile devices relatively soon). My reward was riding in a DeLorean with Doc, and pretending to be a stuntman for BTTF2. - Tony
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