西雅图今年的滑板日绝对会让所有人羡慕无比,Torey,Sheckler,Decenzo将自己设计建造的Red Bull Skate Space艺术道具带到了滑板日的现场,制作一件艺术品同时让他可以用来滑板,这并不是一件简单的事情,但是在红牛这么多Pro面前,就是这么易如反掌
Pudwill, Sheckler, Decenzo, and more will embark on the Pacific Northwest for Red Bull Skate Space.As you see in the teaser above, making art that is a functional skate piece is not an easy task. It will take creativity and an open mind to figure out how to make this one-of-a-kind art instillation from CJ Rench skateable.
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