现在隆重向大家介绍第一个踩着滑板巡逻的警察Joel Zwicky,今年已经40岁的他在人行道巡逻时总是踩着自己的长板,而在开车巡逻时便会将板子放在副驾驶,这位警察同志一下子便和当地滑手打成一片了!
Officer Joel Zwicky Is The World's First Skateboard Patrolling Cop. THE world's first skateboard cop is now patrolling the streets of America on his longboard.
Officer Joel Zwicky, 40, keeps tabs on his patch while riding around on a Green Bay police customised board.
He patrols the parks and pavements on his skateboard - while wearing his kevlar vest, sidearm, ammunition and radio as normal.
And if he receives a "hot call", Officer Zwicky can place his skateboard in the passenger seat of his unmarked dodge patrol car to race to the scene of major incident.
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