Almost发布第21集,这一次的视频里给我们带来了当地滑手Issey Yumiba的个人片段,不仅有台子上精湛的脚法,还有各种大道具的凶狠,同时还带来了英国旅行视频和Daewon与Cooper两人Miniramp欢乐片段,Daewon的360Flip 5050简直帅呆
A biweekly mixtape made by a pack of friends on a rolling toy. The ALMOST family provides lots of skateboarding and lots of...well, just immature stuff, to tell the truth. Daewon Song, Rodney Mullen, Chris Haslam, Cooper Wilt, Willow, Youness Amrani, Mitchie Brusco and friends pack each mixtape with death defying.
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