the close collaboration between CEBRA and glifberg+lykke has resulted in a fusion of architecture, design, and function, which forms the underlying DNA of ‘streetdome‘ and binds the entire park together to form an interacting whole. the overall ambition of the project is to set a new set of standards for the urban areas of unorganized sports. thus, the facility is an open playground and social meeting place for different ages and skill levels with strong local roots and an international scope.
这个宏伟的建筑整体计划可以追溯到10年前,当时当地激进分子,skatecity主席Morten Hasen就有意图修建一座融合所有文化和运动的中心,现在这个水泥滑板场内拥有各种弧度的弧面和碗池,包括台子,台阶等等设施一应俱全,初学者和Pro都可以在这里找到合适的道具。
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