There’s thousands of skate companies out there in the world, and all of them need graphics for their decks, ads and clothes. Most companies make graphics that simply look cool, or at very least will sell. However, sometimes skaters, artists, or whole companies want graphics that have much deeper meaning than simply appropriating pop culture or bloodstained swords and skulls. Here is a list of some of the best and most intense political board graphics. For English scroll down.
1.Jim Thiebaud给Real设计的“吊死三K党”系列板面
3.Alien Workshop的Art Direction
打一开始,Alien Workshop(RIP)就发布了很多社会政治板面来抨击政府和大企业。AWS通过使用有趣的科幻图案,非常聪明地对社会乱相一针见血地指出,让人们开始注意政治腐败,冷漠,错误的信息传达,媒体的力量,社会对于娱乐的需求而不是信息。在倒闭之后他们和Alex Jones愚蠢的阴谋论,自由意志永存网站InfoWars推出合作款板面。他们倒闭的内因到底是什么让人不寒而栗...
4.Blind的Jason Lee “America Icons”板面
90年代时,唯一一家可以和World Industries的政治色彩图案板面媲美的公司就是Blind(两者均属于Steve Rocco的World Industries经销商)。这块板面无疑是一块著名的社会政治板面,采用了Keenan Milton最具争议的“Kid in Dump”话题,从图案和文字之中板面寓意不言自明。
5.World Industries的Mike.V“疯狂农场”板面
又是块来自World Industries的板面,图案谴责了虐待动物,屠杀动物和其产生的巨大污染。这块板是身为Pro的素食主义者要求解放动物。这块板发布时,Mike.V是素食主义者(现在也不清楚),他现在是Black Flag的新主唱!所以一切皆有可能!
6.Toy Machine“化干戈为玉帛”板面
这块板更加突出了社会内涵而不是政治内涵,Ed Templeton是个非常有远见的艺术家,这图案也是如此。图案讽刺人们对于宗教过于认真的态度,让撒旦和耶稣两个不共戴天的敌人言归于好成为朋友,如果耶稣可以成为撒旦的朋友,那些敬畏耶稣的人们也可以。
7.Powell Peralta“自由和正义”板面
这块板面原来应该是Ray Barbee的签名款,后来成了Team款,因为Ray Barbee不想把名字印在任何具有正义的话题上。Powell Peralta选择了更为内涵的图案,让板面更加独特,图案谴责了美国的机构长期存在的种族主义,司法机构对人民的不平等
8.World Industries的Chico Brenes“逃离边界”板面
World Industries总是能做出些独特的产品。Chico于1985年从尼加拉瓜非法移民来到美国,躲避国内政治的动乱。这块板在10年后也就是1995年末正式发布,展示了非法移民是多么的恐怖。图案可怕地让人不敢直视。图案两处描绘了泰迪熊的形象,表现了人们必须牺牲一些事物,去对自己心爱的,珍惜的东西追求更好的生活。1999年World Industries也为Mike Crum出过关于非法移民主题的板面,并且运用了类似图案,不过这块始终是经典。
1. Jim Thiebaud “Hanging Klansmen” Series by Real Skateboards
Starting off with my favorite. Few skateboard graphics in history have been as awesome or as intense as the Hanging Klansmen series. Starting Real gave Thiebaud more creative control over his graphics than he had been afforded at Powell. This graphic is so powerful. Though the KKK may seem irrelevant in modern America, they have gone through various resurgence periods in this country and remain a real threat today. Thiebaud makes huge statements with these boards, going places in terms of ideology that no one else has touched since with board graphics. The deck in the center pleads for people to throw a wrench in the gears of our system. Our government and our country are controlled by the most brutal, hateful people on earth- and the police, sworn to “serve and protect” are their allies. The Hanging Klansmen series forces us to think about racism and urges to fight and destroy it.
2. Pigs Series by Enjoi
While most big skate companies tend to release more “safe” graphics that don’t offend to widen their audience and therefore their profit margins, this is not enjoi’s prerogative. Despite being a company managed by business-minded, non-skateboarder “Dark Men” enjoi isn’t afraid to make socio-political graphics. They use their classic brand of humor to critique big business, communist dictators, America and it’s two-party system; nothing is safe from their art direction. Using the pig imagery as a common theme, enjoi associates each of these topics with the same negative connotation.
3. Alien Workshop’s Art Direction
From day one, Alien Workshop (RIP) made iconic socio-political graphics criticizing government and media/ big business. Using science fiction imagery, Workshop made clever, poignant, and often funny graphics to make points about, or draw attention to political corruption, apathy, misinformation, the power of media, and society’s lust for entertainment rather than information. Later on, after Alien’s fall from grace they did a collaboration board with Alex Jones’ asinine conspiracy theory perpetuating libertarian website InfoWars. *shudder* How the mighty have fallen.
4. Jason Lee “American Icons” Board by Blind
The only company that rivaled World Industries’ social and political commentary graphics in the 1990’s was Blind (both of which were part of Steve Rocco’s World Industries Distribution). This deck is without a doubt their most iconic socio-political graphic with Keenan Milton’s “Kid in Dump” being a contentious honorable mention. Between the name of the graphic and the accompanying imagery, this one is pretty self-explanatory.
5. Mike Vallely “Barnyard” Board by World Industries
Another World board. This graphic critiques animal cruelty, slaughterhouses, and the immense pollution they produce. This board, with it’s pro vegan message calls for animal liberation. Mike was Vegetarian when this board was released (is he still? We’re not sure!) But he’s the new singer for “Black Flag” so anything is possible.
6. “Bury the Hatchet” board by Toy Machine
A little more “socio-” and not as “political” but, Ed Templeton is a visionary and this graphic belongs on this list. This graphic satirizes people that take religion so seriously, by suggesting the notion that the Devil and Jesus: the pinnacle of mortal enemies in all of existence, put aside their differences to become friends. If Jesus can befriend Satan, maybe those that fear him can too.
7. “Liberty and Justice for Some” board by Powell Peralta
This graphic was originally designed as a pro model for Ray Barbee, but was ultimately scrapped to a team model because Ray didn’t want his name on anything controversial. Powell Peralta generally shied away from tendentious imagery, making this board rather unique. The graphic gives voice to how institutional racism in America perpetuates judicial (and by extention financial) inequality among it’s citizens.
8. Chico Brenes “Run for the Border” Board by World Industries
Always willing to push the limit or do something totally different, 90’s era World Industries really needs no introduction. Chico originally immigrated to the U.S. illegally in 1985 with his family from Nicaragua, to escape the violence occurring between the Contras and the country’s government. This board came out exactly ten years later in 1995. This graphic shows how terrifying and dangerous illegal immigration is. The board is scary to even look at. Depicting the teddy bear twice on the board visually portrays that people have to sacrifice things that are beloved, treasured, or meaningful to find a better life or even just to stay alive. In 1999 World did another illegal immigration themed pro board for Mike Crum, paying tribute to this graphic by reusing some of the same imagery. But this one will always be the classic.
Words by:Cutting The Stone
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