波比老师专访 - 如何做好滑板夏令营




我叫 Bobby Male,28岁,已经在上海专职教小朋友滑板有9年的时间了。
每周六我有集体滑板课,周一到周五是一对一私教。一般我都在 SMP 滑板场教学,有时也去别的地方。


我在2011年的时候第一次在 SMP 滑板场开始搞自己的滑板夏令营。一共有6个小朋友参加了为期4周的夏令营。从那以后每年夏天我都会在上海搞一个夏令营,我还搞过两次带小朋友去英国和北京的滑板夏令营。
参加夏令营的价格与参与的时间有关,今年的夏令营每天有三个半小时的滑板课,所以我的收费是五天的夏令营1300元,或者20天为4000元。你可以参加全程的20天,也可以任选其中五天参加。当然,我也有10天和15天的价格。 一共有16个小朋友报名,平均每天会有6-10个小朋友参加。我在招生前并没有大规模宣传,因为我不想一下来太多小朋友从而影响到教学效果和质量。





一,好教练。做一个好教练可不是你能作一个漂亮的 kickflip 那么简单,你要对别人的孩子负责,你必须具有教学,控制和保护你的学员的能力并且同时还要保证课程很有趣。








你需要找个能遮风挡雨的地方。我的夏令营是从下午3点开始,因为那个时间太阳被滑板场旁边的高层建筑遮挡,我们可以在阴影里滑板。SMP 滑板场里还有个超大的遮阳棚,我们也常在哪里滑板。








我常为孩子们组织一些小型活动,我会跟像 Vans, DVS, DC 这些关心滑板运动发展的品牌申请一些奖品支持。他们总是非常支持基层滑板发展,而有些运动鞋品牌并不关心滑板发展也不支持儿童滑板。
除了这些鞋子品牌,ATD,沸点,暴风雪,Skullcandy 也都有支持我们,我会给这些活动拍摄照片和视频发到社交媒体作为回报。



波比老师 2015 滑板夏令营前两周视频,其中可以看到很多波比自创的激发小孩兴趣的滑板游戏,很有启发性:

1, please introduce yourself and your skateboard traning program briefly.

My names Bobby Male(Bobtown or波比老师)I am 28 years old. I have been teaching skateboarding as a job for the past 9 years in Shanghai, China.
I do group skateboard lessons on Saturdays and I do private skateboard lessons during the week. I usually teach at SMP skatepark but occasionally teach at other locations.

2, please introduce your skate summer camp. (history, basic information, price, duration,  how many kids, where, how to join...)

I did my first skateboard summer camp in 2011 at smp skatepark. A total of 6 kids joined for 4 weeks. Since then I have done one in Shanghai every year and also done skate camps taking children to the UK and also to Beijing woodward twice.
The pricing for the camp depends on how many hours it is. This year is just 3.5 hours a day. So I charge 1300 for 5 days camp or 4000 for 20 days camp. My camp is for a total of 20 days and I allow the children who pay for 5 days to chose any 5 days to come join during the 20 day camp period. I also have different prices for 10 days and 15 days. Usually in one day I have from 6 to 10 kids. In total 16 kids registered for this years summer camp. I didn't actually promote the camp because I didn't want too many kids to join so that I could keep the quality of the camp higher.

3, the top 3 important things in your mind about how to teach kids skate

Kids need to enjoy the lesson. Don't spend to long on a boring trick that they won't land.
Kids need to actually learn something. I see a lot of new skate coaches not teaching. They are just baby sitting. 
Kids need to be safe. I try to prevent injuries as much as possible. I don't allow my students to skate without pads. Even after class, if I am around I will not allow them to skate without pads. A teacher has a responsibility even outside of lessons. Parents like that I am very strict when it comes to safety.

4, the top 3 (or 5, it depends on you) things about how to running a successful skate summer camp.

Good coach. There is more to being a coach than having a perfect kickflip. You are responsible for somebodies Child. This is somebodies most valuable possession. You need to be able to teach, control and protect your students while at the same time making sure the lesson is fun.

Good location. You need a place that has enough basic obstacles for kids to learn on and also better obstacles ready for when they are better at skating. Also you have to make sure class can continue even if it rains. 

Good plan. You can't just randomly show up each day. You need to think about what tricks to learn and what activities to do.

Suitable price. You need to make sure  what you do is value for money. So you make a profit but the parents think it's a great deal.

Document. You need to make videos and take pictures so parents can see what the kids have done also you can show the rest of the skateboard world. These videos and pictures can be used to promote next years skate camps. 

5. Except for skate itself. What is the most important thing you want to teach those kids.

That having fun is more important than being cool. Not to worry if you are better than other people. You just need to be better than yourself. You always need to improve and be better than before. It doesn't matter if you are better than others if you are not better than you were a few days before.

6, what is the biggest challenge to running a skate camp? and what's your solution for that?

Rain and Extremely hot weather.
You need to have a place that has shelter from sun and rain. I chose to have my summer camps starting at 3:00pm because at that time the sun is behind the big building in front of the skatepark so we have a nice shade to skate under. And smp also has a big shelter near the street course my students can skate under. 
Other than weather I would say getting students to the skate camp is a problem.
Kids don't go to school but parents have to go to work. So nobody can take the kids to the skate lesson. 
Shanghai mornings and day time is too hot in the summer.  So I can't do full day camps. Luckily I have some core parents that help out picking kids up and taking them home. And my wife also helps out bringing kids to class. 
Sometimes I also have to arrive early to dry up puddles because it has rained the night before.

7, What do you think about the skateboarding training market in Shanghai? (like how many kids you taught this year? how many last year? how about the growth? how many percent kids will keep skating after the camp or your skate class?... ...) 

I have seen on social media that their are many more young skaters in China.
Justice makes a mini skateboard which proves there are more younger skaters because otherwise this product wouldn't be needed.
The younger the kid is the more free time he or she will have to go skateboarding. I have had many students that stopped taking my classes that still skate. Because of getting older they don't have time to attend my weekend classes. They have to study and do more homework.
There is a huge market of young parents that are open minded and want their kids to do modern sports like skateboarding. I personally do not have enough time to teach skateboarding. More than 6 hours a week because of my other businesses. I have more students now and my classes have more kids in them than ever before. This is still my hobby job so I don't want to grow it too big. People tell me I should hire other coaches and make a huge skate school. But I like the fact that it's just me and I can keep my lessons at such a high level. I wouldn't trust anyone else to work for me other than Sun KunKun because he is also a great coach. But he already has his own skate lessons and students so he doesn't need to work for me. I don't want the responsibility of being a boss. It's a fun job at the moment and I want it to stay that way.

​8, what's your suggestion for those skateshops which want to start skate class in their cities?

Clean up your image. Don't wear clothes with weed logos. Don't drink beer outside your shop. I don't have a problem with people smoking and drinking but many parents do. Parents will check out your weibo to find out more about you. Do you have pictures of yourself drinking beer, smoking weed or being crazy? If you live a cleaner lifestyle parents will be more willing for their child to learn from you. 
Actually care about the lessons. If you like your students and actually want them to be great skaters and not just want to make money from them. People will be able to see your passion and you will be a better teacher. Don't just take money and baby sit them for an hour. They won't be giving you money again when the course is over. If you do a good job. A students parent might pay you money for years of lessons.

9, what kind of support do you need for the skate class or camp?

I make small events for kids. I ask core shoe brands like Vans, DVS and DC that care about the development of skateboarding to donate products. These types of brands have always been supportive of grassroots skateboarding. Sports shoe brands do not care about developing skateboarding and are not interested in kids skateboarding.
I have asked big sports brands that sponsor skaters and they are not interested. 
Also lots of skateboard brands help out like ATD, Feidian, BSS and skull candy headphones. What I do in return is make videos and take pics of my camps to promote the brands that support my camps. 
Online skate media like Whatsup, kickerclub and more recently Made in China Magazine also help out by reposting my students videos and my lesson pictures. So it's nice that the core skate media supports the growth of skating.  

10, anything else you want to add?​

Don't make a skate camp because you want to make lots of money. Make it because you want to grow skateboarding. If you make it to grow skateboarding it will be successful and you will make money after it is successful. Do it for the love. If my skate camps didn't make money I would still do them every year anyway. Because it's only a failure if the skate camp has no students. 

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