万物皆有开始,自从滑板在南加州占领街头的那一时刻,总有一个人一直是滑板界的中流砥柱,元老级别的Z-Boys成员Craig Stecyk就是这么一个人,DSL主编Sebstien Zanella来到洛杉矶,用这段黑白影像记录了Craig Stecyk对滑板不减的热爱。
Since everything has a beginning. Since skateboarding had once taken possession of the street, as it did in Southern California. A man was there, documenting every gesture of those first agitators, The Zephyr Boys. Craig Stecyk has become an icon. Artist, photographer, agitator, eccentric soul, a character with a unique state of mind. DSL's editor in chief, Sebastien Zanella, presents a trip through Los Angeles and the skate roots embodied by Craig Stecyk in an atmospheric, black and white documentary.
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