adidas Skateboarding 最近发力频繁,前不久Jake Donnelly,Miles Silvas,Lucas Puig等人在上海,纽约等地拍摄的视频发布,三分钟片段里展示了每个人独一无二的个性,在不同地形上的创意也让人耳目一新。
Explore creative expression as Adidas traces the connections between team riders Na-kel Smith, Nestor Judkins, Mark Gonzales, Rodrigo TX, Tyshawn Jones, Jake Donnelly, Miles Silvas, and Lucas Puig as they lay it down in Shanghai, Gran Canaria, and New York City. These dudes covered more ground in 3 minutes than some skateboarders travel in their careers, setting out to showcase each rider’s unique personality and creative contributions on and off the board.
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