去年 GoPro 与 The Berrics 合作了滑板视频征集线上比赛,被选中的片段可以活动1000或2000美金的奖金,2015年一共发放奖金累计 $20000!来看下全年投稿视频精选,不得不佩服这些美国草根滑手的创意!Skateboarding is Fun!尤其是最后一段,真想知道他们拍了多少遍!
The 2015 Skateboarding Is Fun competition recieved thousands of submissions showing our GoPro users doing incredible and innovative tricks to compete for our Grand Prize of $20,000. 2016 will raise the bar as to what our Skateboarding commmunity is capable of. The competition starts on March 1st, so get your GoPro's out and start submitting your clips to Berrics.com for your chance to win!
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